I don’t even know what to think about this one. I’m not angry, more confused than anything. There’s only one mod there so i asked them, and they said “It’s against policy. It’s the abbreviations policy.”
I see no such policy anywhere, so who knows what’s going on. Is it only the NYT that can’t be abbreviated? What about the US? Is LOL forbidden too? And if so, why are we forbidden from laughing there!
They didn’t even remove the comment.
The mod is user qrstuv. Maybe the only abbreviation allowed is when they say one? That’s a power trip!
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I don’t really know what the point of sharing that here was, because your comments in that thread do not help resolve this issue at all.
I’ll respond specifically to this comment:
Your comments throughout that thread were very unclear as to whether you were talking about the SDF instance as a whole or ! (a problem caused, in part, by Lemmy’s use of the general noun community for its proper noun Communities). Frankly, even now I’m still only like 70% sure you meant the latter. So I think it’s incredibly rude of you to accuse of being obtuse.
But anyway, even putting that aside, I fail to see how any of your points make things better. You keep harping on about how scribbled time stamps make it obviously satire. I saw that and presumed it was put in there to help the reader keep track of how much time was passing over this conversation. Frankly, if you wanted to point out that the post was obvious satire, concentrating on the body text would have been better evidence.
But all that is is evidence that they’re poking fun at something. Not necessarily that it’s at themselves as an admission of guilt. If they were in this thread or pinning a post in their Community explaining “hey, I fucked up”, and then following up with a meme post about their fuck-up, sure, it’d be clear. But as it is, it’s just as possible to read it as them laughing at their victims.
But I come back to the question of why did you link that thread here? Nobody in this thread was discussing that, and even if the dog pile in that Community was not warranted, the dog pile on their actions in the non-satire News community, and their terrible behaviour in the DMs with, are still highly worthy of criticism. And will remain worthy of criticism until such a time as they publicly and explicitly admit culpability and promise to moderate in good faith via reasonable and clear criteria going forward, or they are removed by their instance admins and replaced by someone who will.
Or, if that news Community is supposed to be some weird experimental artsy space…there needs to be somewhere people can be pointed to in order to explain that. Not necessarily in the Community itself, but something somewhere, even if that’s just a bunch of people (not just the one person making dozens of comments that exist without corroboration) who are in on it being able to come in and explain it.
dr wesker and i are completely different people
First: you were being talked about, not to.
Second: I merely quoted If they mentioned you by mistake, take it up with them.
Third: if this is a continuation of that alleged avant guard art experience, can you not see from context how that is not appropriate in this thread? This is not one of your Communities, and this kind of trollish bs is exactly what’s caused this thread to be necessary to begin with.
You paged me, I wouldn’t be here otherwise. Perhaps you should reflect upon your own actions? This is the fediverse; a collective. I didn’t hear no bell.
To be clear, if you want to come in here and comment because you were mentioned, I have no problem.
You coming in here and telling me I did something wrong by mentioning you and playing some bullshit game pretending to be someone different is the problem.
I normally wouldn’t even patronize this community, because I see it as being in direct competition with my own, Mod Abuse Hotline. There we actually try to constructively discuss our grievances, instead of paging people, and then telling them that children are to be seen, not heard.
Ahoy matey. How can I get in contact with the hotline? I need a mod abusing, and I don’t want to have to do it myself.
If you experience any abuse at the hands of a moderator anywhere on the fediverse, you’re welcome to file a ticket and receive support.
Please note I am not trying to scalp members from this community, because I’m not that kind of person. I’m only offering this information because you asked explicitly, and I feel morally obligated to… oblige.
So they’re incredibly immature? Gotcha.
Not to defend this mod, but people go on the internet and do weird internet things for their own reasons.
Don’t take it personally and overthink it.
And from the positive side, your post here made a lot of people laugh. This is the silliest drama I’ve read in weeks and I needed that. Thanks!
I appreciate that. I am glad so many people got a kick out of it. It’s just so weird lol
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