Damn. On the one hand, you moved to a better instance. On the other hand, your original community had a waaay better name.
Formerly /u/Zagorath on the alien site.
Damn. On the one hand, you moved to a better instance. On the other hand, your original community had a waaay better name.
I like the meme, but I don’t think it actually works. The implication here is that there’s a correlation between confusing correlation with causation and dying. But there isn’t such a correlation. You are statistically equally likely to die either way
Yeah it’s pretty damn frustrating. They’re now 5 versions behind and it’s causing serious issues with usability. I dunno what’s keeping them.
Anyone who hasn’t seen it already, I highly recommend “the alt-right playbook” series of videos about alt-right tactics and logic.
Yeah seriously. What a stupid headline.
Unfortunately the problem of LW users replying in AZ threads and not showing up for a couple of days is one only LW itself can solve
Yeah same. Especially in this city which is so geared towards morning people.
Meanwhile, I was up until 6am prepping for my 2pm Pathfinder session.
Hahaha. I love when people share these. Always amusing.
Tell command alternative option…unfortunately current command likes the current option.
Puzzle #615
Skill 98/99
Uniqueness 1 in 1,068
Thought for sure blue would be the purple
______ Rock
Purple was just my leftovers initially, but after my first guess turned out not to be purple, I quickly realised what the leftovers had in common, before I guessed purple officially.
While I strongly disagree with it being allowed, I can see how different it is to the OP article.
I mean…the OP is some idiots talking big. Women’s healthcare is actually being affected on a daily basis all across the country.
Yeah the puzzle rolls over at midnight local time. I put it up at 2pm in my time zone, so it’s shortly after midnight in Europe, while leaving most of the afternoon for us orientals, and not being too long for the new worlders to wait before it’s relevant to them.
Puzzle #614
Skill 97/99
Uniqueness 1 in 691
Damn. Got the bot running on my Synology this morning, but the tool that takes the screenshots couldn’t run on it. Got some work to do to get it working, I guess… Ended up running it manually on my machine instead for now.
Because the image itself doesn’t have an explanation of the lines, here it is from the article:
This takes [a map of towns coloured by whether Aussie Rules or Rugby League is more popular] and draws a (red) line along the boundaries between the two codes. Have added Turner’s original description (pink) and the line as it’s most commonly drawn (black) as dotted lines to see how they compare, as well as the plaque meant to mark part of the line near the towns of Corowa (NSW) and Wahgunyah (VIC). The line to the west shows the divide between WA and the Cocos (Keeling) & Christmas islands.
The plaque mentioned is the small black square on the border between Vic and NSW, quite a way south of any of the lines.
Also, that map of towns coloured by which is more popular seems to be seriously flawed. The colours and cells on the map may or may not be correct, but the labels it shows when you hover over it are hilariously wrong. I hovered over a cell that covers The Entrance at Tuggerah Lake on the NSW Central Coast. That cell was red, surrounded by a bunch of blue cells. It told me this was Julia Creek, Qld, and that rugby league was the more popular sport.
I saw blue way off in the northwest around Christmas Island, which it told me was Charlsetown, NSW. I’m actually in St Lucia, Qld, where both clubs are equal, but on that map it tells me I’m in blue Tocumwal, NSW, where Aussie rules is more popular.
This problem was introduced somehow between the map of The Regions and the map of The Regions (with towns where both codes were equal removed), because the former is correct in the few I checked.
I don’t know what it’s like over in Canada, but here in Australia it seems like the two biggest problems farmers face are the increasingly extreme climate and the vicehold the supermarket duopoly has over the market, giving them both monopoly and monopsony power, allowing them to completely screw over farmers.
We have two main parties, one which has consistently been more in favour of action on climate change than the other, and which is also the less friendly one to corporate interests. We also have a third somewhat-major party that has extremely strong policies on climate change and monopolies. Guess which of these three parties farmers have consistently overwhelmingly voted for over the past 30+ years?
So nah, fuck 'em. They’ve brought it on themselves. I’ve no interest in taxpayers subsidising them.
But maybe circumstances in Canada are different.
At least the regular campaign and skirmish worked fine, I guess?
Puzzle #613
Skill 97/99
Uniqueness 1 in 359
wtf is a head trip?
That’s what they said. North Brisbane BUG users on the page I found this post at were suggesting it may have been required by BCC and/or done to create an “eyes on the street” effect to help prevent vandals from entering the site. There were also people suggesting they may just be hedging their bets, and there’s a good chance it could become permanent, but that they don’t want to commit to that as the designs are not finalised.
No, it’s not. The joke is that there is a correlation, but that actually correlation doesn’t mean causation. But here we have a situation where there is neither correlation nor causation.
The problem is that the joke suggests that correlation is when A -> B (or at least it appears as such). Implication (in formal logic) is not the same as correlation.