So straight out the gate: I don’t ever really flirt (yes, even if I like the girl). And I’m not sure whether I should change strategies. So hence my question.

Note: I am a guy.

Edit: Thank you all for your input. I have come to the realisation I need to let the other party (better) know I am romantically interested in them. Either by means of flirtation or otherwise.

  • some_guy
    1 month ago

    Though I had a hot streak in my late twenties to early thirties, I was pretty lonely for a long time because I wasn’t finding anything substantial and then I couldn’t establish even short term relationships. I was pretty hopeless when a partnership sort of formed without my realizing it. Now we live together and we’re pretty happy. We are 100% genuine about who we are with each other and that’s great. Don’t give up hope. I wish you luck.