Blizzard has said they plan on having two expansions. What would you like to see?

I’d like to see a Hell overworld (well, underworld) about the size of the current one but it changes randomly- maybe every day. Would need to be done so it doesn’t feel like you need to explore the whole map constantly. The expansion after would take place in Heaven. I want to kill God for loot. He fucking owes me.

I’d like to see the Paladin/Crusader and especially the Amazon make a comeback. A demon summoning class that has more temporary pets (because you sacrifice them for power) could be cool. Maybe add some witch doc stuff to it.

    511 months ago

    Something like an uberdungeon where at the end you get ported into another one but with 5+ level and so on. you can spent some earned currency to craft a key to start with a higher level.

    you just described old greater rifts in D3, and people hated that with a passion

      411 months ago

      tbh i enjoyed it^^ but tastes are different and i can totally see why people would hate them^^

        211 months ago

        IMO it was too repetitive… and the whole “upgrade a legendary gem OR upgrade rift stone” at the end of a rift was also a bummer