MacOS is Unix-certified and borrows a lot of BSD while Linux is from scratch. The Linux kernel, SystemD, and emacs don’t conform to the first tenet of Unix philosophy: “Design programs to do one thing well. This leads to the creation of simple, modular tools that can be combined in complex ways to accomplish more intricate tasks”.
Anyway, it should stand on it’s own merits instead of its users grasping at another OS’s success. -Especially in light of that OS being tethered to limited hardware and expandability as well as dismal gaming support.
In the same way Windows is inpired by DOS
like macOS complies to the said tenet. Single purpose and modularity as the principles work well in CLI context, while all GUI programs tend to be as multipurpose as they could
And who tf calls linux is great bc MacOS is unix-based? It’s either a strawman fallacy, or you haven’t understood, what people meant. I mean, this might be a valid reason to call Windows bad, because while every other OS somewhat complies to unix standards, it has its continues to inherit the DOS ones.
Evangelists in the cult grasp at anything without thinking it through.