They can’t find an address. He’s very likely a basement dweller sucking off the tit from one of his family relatives to sustain his standard of living
That’s why Nintendo wants to serve his family members cause they probably know he’s at one of them…and once he’s been served they’re responsible to send it to him or else they will be held accountable
Wait, serving a legal notice can be made transitive to people not part of the legal system?
Like, I could just sue someone the other end of the country and then arrange things so that the notice is delegated to my landlord if (small if) they’re being a jerk?
How did he dodge the lawsuit
If only there was a place where it’s written down what he did? Commenters have yet to discover this mystical record.
High dex & rolled a Nat 20.
They can’t find an address. He’s very likely a basement dweller sucking off the tit from one of his family relatives to sustain his standard of living
That’s why Nintendo wants to serve his family members cause they probably know he’s at one of them…and once he’s been served they’re responsible to send it to him or else they will be held accountable
Wait, serving a legal notice can be made transitive to people not part of the legal system?
Like, I could just sue someone the other end of the country and then arrange things so that the notice is delegated to my landlord if (small if) they’re being a jerk?