This isn’t your college or work place break room. If people are saying something you disagree with you can just say it and you won’t be fired or ostracized for it. Yeah, people will probably get angry and say mean things to you but those are just words which can be ignored. Offence is taken, not given.

This is mostly for the lurkers who upvote unpopular opinions but don’t comment. You can speak up - you’re not alone.

  • some_guy
    3 months ago

    During the Bush jr years, I told a coworker that I’d realized that I better start being more mindful about what I posted online. They replied that free speech was their primary marker of liberty and I felt kinda silly.

    As we go into a new Trump admin, I am again reminded that I should be mindful what I post because now it’s really gonna go to shit. That asshole plans to weaponize everything. Hence, why I plan on emigrating to a better society.

    I do note that OP spelled “offence” the British way. They have less risk of being targeted by lunatics. I’m somewhat hyperbolic is suggesting that I’m moving for safety, but there were also a bunch of people who left Germany and didn’t end up dead. And because I’m not unaware of what I’m saying: see also, Godwin’s law.