SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law late Tuesday, vowing to eliminate “anti-state” forces as he struggles against an opposition that controls the country’s parliament and that he accuses of sympathizing with communist North Korea.

    192 months ago

    So President Yoon argues he had to do it because they’ve impeached 22 government workers to take, and plan to impeach 10 more?

    I know he said it was unprecedented globally to impeach so many, but were they legitimate?

      102 months ago

      I can’t find a list of the workers they impeached but it looks like he was stacking the government with New Right folks who wanted to take Korea back to 1940 when it was a part of the Japanese Empire. Seems like a wild take. The impeachments came after a major change in the parliamentary makeup shifted power away from him drastically.