• @some_guy
    611 months ago

    This is about the best summation of the parties that I’ve seen. Made me chuckle and call my partner to have a look. Well done.

    • @RadButNotAChad@lemmy.world
      -1411 months ago

      Democrats want universal healh care, child care, to cancel student loan debt, don’t want to eliminate the LGBTQ community among other things, and are constantly stymied by the right wing. Then dumbfucks go ‘hurr duur, both parties are the same, don’t vote’ and the same shit happens. The last time Dems ran the show we got the ACA and people who never had a shot at insurance got it, medical bankruptcies went down etc. It was a big win, and you forget that. Fuck your all sides are the same.

        • @RadButNotAChad@lemmy.world
          -711 months ago

          And didn’t have enough support to push anything through to the floor that wasn’t budgetary or generally popular because of senate rules that would require 60 senators when we had 50, or the override of that rule which a couple senators (Manchin and Sinema,one who recently moved independent) opposed so it wouldn’t happen anyway. There are an incredibly small number of republican members of Congress who would support universal health care, but I imagine the vast majority of democrats would. The problem is gerrymandering in the house and the fact that backwoods states like Montana and North Dakota wield as much power in the Senate as places like California.

            • @RadButNotAChad@lemmy.world
              -911 months ago

              Bro. Can you read. Do I need to turn it into a picture for you? There are procedural rules in this case the filibuster. If you do not have 60 votes to override the filibuster, it does not pass because all an opposing senator has to do is say Filibuster and you’re hit. There are things that can force debate, but you are basically done. That rule change would require the support of Manchin and Sinema, which would not have happened, so democrats were stopped. And they did take the steps for the two years which is why we have the Affordable Care Act so things like pre existing conditions are covered. Maybe you should do some more reading on how our government works before you try to talk with the grownups

                • @RadButNotAChad@lemmy.world
                  -811 months ago

                  They passed the mother fucking affordable care act. Do you not understand how huge of an undertaking that was? They also passed DREAM and limited how credit card companies can charge you. And those are the big ones. Would you call that no action?

                  You clearly lack any understanding of how the government works beyond what you’d learn in 6th grade civics and have no memory of the 2009 Congress yet try to speak authoritively about it. By comment was definitely rude, and that was intended. But it was not ridiculous, it was a statement of fact.