Image description: painting of a marble statue of Samson holding open a lion’s mouth.

This is a detail from this painting:

Image description of full painting: huge painting, framed, of the Christian Madonna with baby Jesus in her lap. She is seated on a throne. To her left is a blue-robed religious figure with a bishop hat. To her right is a kneeling white-robed man and a standing armored man. There are tiny statues to her left and right, one of which is the detail image.

Found at: wikipedia. In collection of the Groeningemuseum.

    41 year ago

    What an absolutely gorgeous painting. Thank you for including the link for the museum. I spent a bit of time scrolling around looking at all the details. They are so intricate; it’s incredible the amount of care that artists put into their work

    • @grysbokOPM
      31 year ago

      You’re welcome. The painting’s not as big as I thought it was–it’s “only” 1.6meters wide. I think my favorite tiny detail is the fraying on the edge of the rug.