Hi, so we might have need of vegan condoms and/or dams that aren’t made from latex. Problem is we can find no vegan brands or versions that either use polyurethene or polyisoprene instead of latex anywhere online, or at least none that are explicitly listed as such.

Do y’all know of any? Thank you.

Edit: Seems like the best options so far are Pasante Unique or any of the Skyn brand condoms. Thanks to all who helped!

    • Nitrile is a synthetic made from hydrocarbons. The lubricant is also synthetic and mentioned in the FAQ. If that’s not certain enough for you, I’m not a provider of vegan certification and you’ll have to make that call for yourself. Or contact the company that makes them.

      • Of the Air (cele/celes)OP
        13 months ago

        Okay, usually the problem with condoms is they contain a milk protein called casein which makes them not vegan (and smell awful ioe).

        Will do, thanks!