Hello. For context, I am in a university. I do not have any friends, and it feels like colleagues talk bad about me. This makes me quite hesitant to join any circles or attend seminars. I am not sure it is everyone who thinks bad about me though, I fear about asking. Yet I plan to do research, so I should attend seminars to learn current trends and stuffs. May I ask what I should do in such a situation? Are friends necessary, or not really? Also should I stop being in this environment and get a job instead? Thanks for reading lengthy paragraph, I would love any comments or advice for this.

  • some_guy
    6 months ago

    I don’t know about the rest, but I will say that having friends is absolutely worthwhile and worth pursuing.

    Whether to stay at school or get a job, it sorta depends on your circumstances. What are you majoring? Are you interested in it? Are you taking on massive debt in the process? Will your education likely lead to career opportunities? You don’t necessarily answer here, but these are definitely questions worth asking yourself.

    Depending on circumstances, staying at university may be highly advantageous. It may be a place where you develop life-long friendships or meet people and network in ways that are later career-advantageous. It could also suck you into unnecessary debt without much perceived value when you’re done. It’s difficult to say, but worth considering before acting on a whim. Good luck!