• @some_guy
    22 months ago

    American Psycho would occasionally get so graphic about the torture shit that I’d have to read a couple of paragraphs and then pause and look out the window for a bit. Rinse, repeat. It would only be for a handful of pages here and there, but I’ve never had a similar experience with any other book. But I also rarely read fiction.

    I tried to read The Reactionary Mind, but had to stop pretty early in. I consider myself to have a pretty decent vocabulary. Part of why is an OCD-like need to look up the meaning of any word I don’t know when reading. However, this author was using so many words that I didn’t know that I couldn’t get into a flow. I kept having to pause and grab my phone for my dictionary app. Doing that many times per page just doesn’t work. I really wanted to get the content from it but it was too distracting.