• @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    22 days ago

    How could this even work?

    Hamas has been saying for 8 months they want a permanent peace deal to release hostages…

    Israel keeps saying they won’t stop till all of Hamas is “exterminated” but that Hamas needs to release all the hostages in return for a pause in the genocide.

    So like, unless Biden is offering something huge, like cutting off military aid to Israel and actually trying to provide aid to the victims of the genocide if not outright military protection…

    Then all this is for is so Biden supporters can point and say Biden is doing everything he can. Which is just factually untrue.

    I don’t know why Biden’s team thinks anyone will fall for this, even the ones saying it’s a big deal likely don’t believe it. It’s that moderate Tinkerbell logic where they think if enough believe, it becomes true.

    • @mean_bean279@lemmy.world
      -622 days ago

      You again… you’re exactly the type of person that is the reason why every European on this site is also confused at the rise of the far-right in their countries. Go out and talk to someone in a rural area. Touch grass. You’ll find that plenty of people would love Biden if he brought home “our people” and bombed Palestinians again. We on here all want an end to this, but we all on Lemmy/Fedi aren’t the sum of a country (clearly).

      • @goferking0
        422 days ago

        Do you think Biden is popular in rural areas?

        • @mean_bean279@lemmy.world
          022 days ago

          No, but that’s not the point. He’s trying to capitalize on the people that are “center” or “independent.” They have a different view of what they want. They’re the kinds of voters that are largely union, rural, live in swing areas, are likely to shift from party line votes and often their view of Israel is one that is more pro Israel. Maybe not as much “anti Palestinian” as one might think, but a viewpoint that’s very narrow sighted compared to a voter who might be more well informed. This election is a game of the middle ground, just like the last election.

          Biden doesn’t need to be popular in rural areas as much, he needs to prevent people from voting en masse for Trump in those areas. Especially in states that aren’t winner take all.

          • @goferking0
            222 days ago

            So He’s doing what dems keep doing when they end up losing?

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        022 days ago

        Touch grass.

        One of these days I’ll stop being surprised the only “Biden supporters” all sound exactly like trump supporters…

        It won’t be today, but some day.