Bidens republican immigration bill goes nowhere so he decides to float his own version of a Muslim ban?

    1525 days ago

    I’d rather him win the election and continue to do as much good as he can than lose and let Trump do as much damage as he can.

    I’d rather people who are happy with him adopting Trump’s policies quit acting like anyone who has any criticism of him at all is a Trump supporter.

    • Omega
      -824 days ago

      This is far from Trump policies. And nobody said you were a Trump supporter.

        • Omega
          24 days ago

          That’s a pretty damned huge exception. Also, the dumbass wall. Also a they’re a lot less restrictive to asylum seekers. Also, he tried to undo Trump’s covid immigration executive order, which got blocked by courts. Actually, they’re quite different. In fact if you think Biden’s policies are bad, you better hope and pray Trump doesn’t get back in.

          Edit: How could I forget DACA.

          • queermunist she/her
            924 days ago

            Also a they’re a lot less restrictive to asylum seekers.

            The OP is about an executive order to crack down on asylum seekers.

            • Omega
              -524 days ago

              Yes, he is limiting the number of asylum seekers. Yes Trump is going to be infinitely worse if he’s elected.

                  -224 days ago

                  Trump literally wants to be Hitler and turn the US into a dictatorship.

                  Have you NOT BEEN paying attention?

                  JFC, you people are in for a rude awakening if Trump actually gets elected. Of course, then it’ll be too late.

                  • queermunist she/her
                    524 days ago

                    What you fail to understand is that’s not infinitely worse, that’s somewhat worse.

                    I have been paying attention, have you? We’re already doing genocide, our prisons are already overflowing, we’re already federally prosecuting protesters, yet somehow you think everything is fine. This election is between rude Hitler and polite Hitler. That’s it.

            424 days ago

            Less restrictive on Asylum seekers? They can’t just cross the border anymore. The BP lets a small number in every day, leaving thousands of people at the mercy of Mexican drug cartels while they wait to cross. They wait to cross because Biden didn’t restore the international standard of declaring asylum on the soil of the country in which you want asylum. Instead he’s trying to force asylum seekers to use an app and visit American consulates in the country they need to flee. And forcing them to stay in the country they need to flee until we tell them it’s okay to leave.

            Nothing about this is humane or legal under our own laws or international treaties which we’ve signed and ratified.

            Biden undid the covid order in a way he knew would be struck down by the courts. The exact same way we got Trump’s muslim ban struck down. Unlike Trump’s Muslim ban he did not try again until he also made the asylum policy above where anyone availing themselves of the old way gets summarily denied and deported.

            He did all of this in plain view and you can’t be assed to find the actual actions, just their PR releases.

      • @goferking0OP
        724 days ago

        How is it not? He’s doing the Muslim ban but for the Mexican border