The FTC estimates about 30 million people, or one in five American workers, from minimum wage earners to CEOs, are bound by noncompetes. It says the policy change could lead to increased wages totaling nearly $300 billion per year by encouraging people to swap jobs freely.

  • issastrayngewerldkbin
    85 months ago

    Unfortunately these are common in the healthcare industry. There are currently Healthcare workers who are being sued over this. Yeah, the companies may not ultimately win in court, but the workers can’t even afford to hire an attorney to defend themselves.

    • This was the advice I received when I consulted a lawyer on my non-compete. She said “I mean, you could go for it, but if they do call you on it, you’ll either owe the wages from your new organization, or you’ll have to take them to court and that’ll likely take a year or legal fees. You have to ask yourself if that’s worth it to you and your family.”

      Sucked to hear, and NCs are predatory anti-worker BS.

    • Bakkoda
      15 months ago

      Ah got ya. I’ve been in long term contact work for years in pharma mfg/pkg and haven’t ever really bumped into anyone with any experience. Ty for the input.