• @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    412 months ago

    The DNC isn’t an currently an organization that works for Dem voters.

    It’s a capitalist money gathering machine that sees Dem voters as a resource.

    Not even for our money, the “Biden Victory Fund” openly coordinates with the DNC and Biden campaign and any single person can give a million a year to it. They don’t really care about a regular Americans 3k. They’ll send the spam texts, but they won’t try to make us happy.

    They take that money, tell Dem voters we have to vote or a Republican wins, and demand half the country votes for someone they don’t want.

    Rather than just giving voters a young progressive candidate like Obama or Bill Clinton and easily winning against donald fucking trump.

    No we don’t even get a fucking convention?

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        102 months ago

        Compared to Biden and Clinton they are.

        I’m not saying they’re perfect, they’re far from it.

        My point is ever since FDR we keep getting more conservative, and it keeps letting Republicans become president when the party pushes too far right.

        Republicans don’t win elections because they convince moderates to vote R.

        Republicans become presidents when the DNC runs someone too conservative, and their response is always “we should have been more conservative”.

        No party is pushing left, just the small remenents of FDR style Dems. And their own party leadership hates them more than they hate Republicans.

        Biden said it himself. He wants to go back to when Senators of either party left the performative stuff about fixing the country at work, and just hung out and were friends after hours.

        He doesn’t want to fight republicans. He wants to be best friends with them openly again like with one of the most infamous racists and his best buddy, Strom Thurmond.

        Change won’t come from the DNC, so we have to change the DNC.

    • The Republicans are turning all of America fascist, including the Democrats. Ratchet effect in full motion, the lower the Conservatives go, the less Democrats have to do. As long as one of those parties keeps getting votes, the other will move rightward. Rinse and repeat until the government and corporations complete their merger. Its no mistake they pay for both sides.

        • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          They went thru the whole “narcissist prayer” in the 2016 primary and people wouldn’t stop talking about how trump does the same thing to notice.

          If you mention anything we need to fix with the Dem party, people call you a fascist for having standards

          It’s like if a Republican says Trump may need to reign it in, so they get called a communist woke something or another.

          If neither party has any standards except the letter by someone’s name, then we’re fucked.

          Because the same money buys both sides if no one objects.

    • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      This is Kamala Harris. If we want to stop Trump and his MAGA cronies this fall, we need YOU to donate $13 by texting 90210 now. It’s never been more urgent!

      Respond with STOP to pretend you can ever opt out of these messages.

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        32 months ago

        Donate now to the DNC for the GA runoffs!

        With 50 D senators Biden can codify Roe v Wade, because even tho he said he can get republican votes, he immediately admitted that was impossible!

        Oh wait, that was the one from 4 years ago…

        We got the 50 D senators, just lost Roe v Wade instead of codifying it

    • @disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
      12 months ago

      I agree that we saw the agenda when Debbie Wasserman-Schultz kept the focus of money, support, and media on Hillary and away from Bernie, for the year leading to the primary.

      This is not that. Biden is already the Democratic candidate.