So far I’ve checked several “getting started”'s and FAQ’s and Google and everyone just tells me that it’s possible but nobody tells me fucking WHERE. So obviously I’m in need of help. Preferably with a diagram or colourful pictures.

Edit: Okay, so doesn’t seem to have been updated to allow instance blocking. Did it on the vanilla UI, thanks for everyone who rubbed my face into it! Appreciate the help. <3

  • 56!
    732 months ago

    Here are some overly detailed instructions :)

    Step 1:

    • Make sure you are using the web interface of your instance
    • Click on your username in the top right of the screen
    • Click on settings


    Step 2:

    • On the left, click on the tab titled “Blocks”


    Step 3:

    • Scroll to the bottom of the page. You should find a “Block instance” section
    • Select the drop-down
    • Start typing the instance’s domain name in the search box
    • Select the instance you wish to block from the search results


    Step 4:

    • Profit
    • @some_guy
      61 month ago

      You forgot the step with a question mark. You won’t be able to profit without that. It’s absolutely key.

      • 56!
        91 month ago

        Step 1:

        • Make sure you are using the web interface of your instance
        • Click on your username in the top right of the screen
        • Click on settings


        Step 2:

        • On the left, click on the tab titled “Blocks”


        Step 3:

        • ???

        Step 4:

        • Profit