“We’re gonna end it on day one … the whole thing is crazy,” Trump said on a Philadelphia talk show.

  • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    222 months ago

    Unfortunately when Trump says stuff like this, he’s probably being truthful

    Wish I knew what it was like to believe a presidential candidate I plan to vote for tho.

    • @hydroptic@sopuli.xyz
      82 months ago

      If he was actually truthful he’d be talking about setting up concentration camps, but that doesn’t quite fly yet. I give it a few years until the Overton Window is that far right

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        -312 months ago

        Biden will always support Israel, you saw how much they care about his “warnings”.

        But Israel can’t do this genocide with America.

        And it might not be for the right reasons, but you can’t count on trump to do really anything that’s not easy like this.

        He’d pull aid from Israel for the dumbest reason. He doesn’t fucking care what happens there.

        That’s not the same as Biden.

        Biden is willing to lose office rather than take a stand against Israel. You think trump is that loyal to anything?

        • @hydroptic@sopuli.xyz
          162 months ago

          I have no idea how anything you said is related to my quip about conservatives wanting to set up concentration camps for trans folks (or probably “wokists” in general)

        • Cethin
          52 months ago

          Wow, this is a dumb comment. Not only is it not relevant, it’s wrong. Even in this article Trump mentions that Biden has been handling the war wrong and the Jews shouldn’t vote for him. If Biden is handling it poorly, but it’s because he’s not more in favor of Israel, what do you think Trump will do? He’s said it before, that he wants it expanded and for Israel to finish the job.

          Fuck off back to wherever you came from.

        • Dreizehn
          32 months ago

          BS, both parties support Apartheid Israel no matter what. The Israelis will plop some cash on the Mango Mussolini’s desk and they will receive unlimited support.

    • @enbyecho@lemmy.world
      02 months ago

      Wish I knew what it was like to believe a presidential candidate I plan to vote for tho.

      Do you have specific things in mind or examples of this?

      Like for example, Obama talked about Universal Healthcare and making affordable healthcare a “right”. I believed him and was super bummed about that and blame him for not being realistic and over-promising, but I also appreciate that the level of suckage was demonstrably less overall than with Bush. Or Trump. Many good things came to fruition.

      And what I learned most of all from the Obama experience was that a candidate can be sincere in wanting something but unable to make it happen. IOW, there are serious limits on presidential power (which is good) and mid-term and local elections are in many ways far more important. I also learned that he should have appointed more federal judges and I’m glad that Biden did.

      • @Woozythebear@lemmy.world
        22 months ago

        Obama also promised in enshrine abortion rights then never did it in his 8 years and when asked why he isn’t doing it with a super majority in the house and senate he said it wasn’t a high enough priority for him.

        Obama went to Flint and told them their water was safe and took a big gulp from a glass of water that came from his private jet and to this day the water in Flint still isn’t safe to drink.

        I can go on and on about the lies Obama has told. Stop playing team sports with your politicians.

        • @enbyecho@lemmy.world
          12 months ago

          You can be angry about not getting everything under Obama. I’m angry at him for being a neocon and blowing smoke about things he should have known he couldn’t deliver.

          But as always, there is a lot of context missing from your over-simplified depiction of Obama at Flint. There’s a more nuanced discussion over at Vox. Your “private jet” thing is funny. Did you expect a sitting president to fly economy?

          You can also be supportive of “less bad” choices such as Biden. You don’t have to accept it all or think of it as a binary choice. That would be more akin to refusing to eat dinner because you didn’t get the cookie you were promised first.

            • @enbyecho@lemmy.world
              12 months ago

              People like you are we never get any change in this country

              LOL. We’ve had a lot of change. Perhaps your lifetime is too short for you to see that. From my perspective, the change is radical and for the better. It’s a long way from what I’d like our country to be, but I’m a socialist and anti-capitalist. I know perfectly well that we will never be everything I hope for and that the plutocracy and the capitalist exploitation we see every day will not be over-thrown overnight… indeed, not in my life time, no matter how much protesting we do. The only way that will ever happen is slow systemic change from the ground level up.

              There are 333 million people in the USA and probably as many opinions about what our politics should be. We as a nation disagree constantly over issues big and small and it’s the nature of democracy that we compromise, sometimes to the point that nobody gets all of what they want but everyone, hopefully, gets some of what they want. The only thing we can do short of a dictatorship of the proletariat, is to work for the incremental gains toward a more progressive democracy, just has we have been doing for decades. I realize it may not look like it but we’ve made so much progress.