The Wakayama Prefectural Police revealed on May 8, 2024 that Your Name. movie producer Koichiro Itou has been referred to prosecutors for additional violation of Child Prostitution & Pornography law in Japan, after it came to light that he had paid an underage girl for sexual intercourse.

The latest case involved a 17-year-old high school girl from Yokohama. Investigators believe Itou knew the girl was a minor when he paid her 30,000 yen for having sexual intercourse at his residence in December 2023.

He is also suspected of taking and saving photographs of the act.

    375 months ago

    I absolutely respect art irrespective of the artist. The problem arises when said artist continues to profit from my respect of the art. Take as a personal example, JK Rowling and her Wizarding World. I grew up with those books. I love that setting. But I’m not buying any of their merch or their video games or going to visit Disneyland to go to Potterworld because I don’t want Rowling getting her mitts on my royalties. She created a series of books that captivated me and many others as children and I respect the hell out of that. But I’m not going to continue to fund her tirades because of it.

    A movie seems like a similar case.

      185 months ago

      Also, often the art itself suddenly changes before your eyes when you review it with a new eye for who the artist has revealed themself to be.

      Like the fact the only asian person in the entire set of books is a girl to serve as plot fodder named “Cho”

      Or the fact that there’s like 2 times that a girl gets specifically assaulted by a masculine representing figure in a girls bathroom while alone. (Troll attacking Hermione in book 1, and Myrtle by Riddle+Snake in book 2), its one of those “If I had a nickel everytime that happened, Id have 2 nickels, which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened twice” sort of dealios.

      The list goes on and on, theres a lot to pick apart in the books if you go back and re-read them. There’s a lot of stuff that makes you pause and go “hmm, what?”

      Like perhaps the “goblins” with pointy ears, sharp teeth, glasses, short statures, who strictly only show up working at the one big bank, and are commented on about hoarding money and acting greedy…

      (Basically a play by play classic set of caricatures of jewish people the nazi party used constantly to dehumanize them… >_>;)

        45 months ago

        There’s a lot of issues with Harry Potter and JK writing in general. Even if you want to hand wave the Goblin thing, she also introduces and normalizes race based slavery and only addresses the issue by setting up the only character to have an issue with it as wrong and annoying for even noticing.

    • @CheesyFox
      55 months ago

      A fair and completely agreeable point. Thank god piracy exists :)

      P.S. have you heard of our lord and saviour Eliezer Yudkovsky? His turn on the aformentioned saga is actually better than the original imo

        35 months ago

        Is that the one where Harry grew up with Scientist Parents? The way they horrifically killed off Hermione was NOT COOL

        • @CheesyFox
          5 months ago

          it wasn’t “not cool”, it was rough as fuck, I was crying.

          Also, tag your comment as a spoiler pls.

          and yeah,

          spoilers for the finale

          they revived her later

            25 months ago

            Tbh, I think people should know what they are getting into with this, as that was one of the major moments that led me to stop reading it, if felt disrespectful to Hermione as a character and me as a reader

            • @CheesyFox
              5 months ago

              “disrespectful to the character”? I beg your pardon, what!? Characters are the tools in the hand of the author to convey certain plot. Characters themselves have their own, well, character. by writing in


              the death of Hermione

              the author shows inhumanity of a certain character, their cruel nature, because, if you think about it, letting the ogre into the school full of kids is inhumane and cruel, its just that the original author prefered to ignore it, making out of it nothing more than a fun adventure. Not to mention, this is not the first demonstration of how cruel the antagonist is, you just prefered to ignore it as well because it was not about your lovely little girl you read romantic fics about at night. And i’m ignoring the fact that these are de facto complete different characters from ones in JKR’s book, similar names are here only for convenience.

              put the spoiler tag.

                35 months ago

                Lmao fuck you. Do you really think people are going to listen to you after you belittle and insult them?

                • @CheesyFox
                  -15 months ago

                  i’m being a jerk towards you because you’re being a jerk towards random people who do not deserve this. I don’t care if you will do my request as the moment when i was angry at your jerkish behaviour has long passed, but you will continue to passively be a jerk towards everyone who never read the book but would’ve liked to. It’s kinda funny if you think about it.

                  Also, i’m making fun of you because your opinion is immature and dumb and i even said why. If the only thing you caught from my message are insults and belittling then you completely deserve it as your inability to separate emotional and rational parts of a message makes your perception as biased as it could be, therefore making you an idiot. Its ok to be emotional, but anyone should know when emotions should be ignored.

                  And i’m not gonna lie, i enjoy telling idiots that they are idiots. This is my little guilty pleasure. You can call me whatever you want for this.

        15 months ago

        have you heard of our lord and saviour Eliezer Yudkovsky?

        I have, the weird cult he’s built upn is creepy, and Methods of Rationality is terrible.

    • TheRealKuni
      25 months ago

      or going to visit Disneyland to go to Potterworld

      You’d be sorely disappointed anyway, Disneyland doesn’t have anything related to Harry Potter. That’s Universal.