Australia’s Mona asked a court to reverse its ruling that allowed men inside a women’s only space.

Archived version:

    75 months ago

    And of course, the Battle of Schrute Farms was the northernmost battle of the Civil War.

      5 months ago

      What does that (or even some of my own comments) have anything to do with the price of weed in Colorado? Whether you’re telling me the truth, or just trying to bullshit me, doesn’t matter.

      My point is very simple, and nobody seems to be getting it now. Drop the prejudice words already. We don’t live in the 1800s, and honestly none of us ever did.

      We’re descendants of our ancestors. We didn’t get to pick where we were born or in what year, or by what family name, but we can try dropping the discrimination of centuries past.

      Continuing to use derogatory words and even references from back then only propagate the discrimination.

      When any group uses offensive words and tactics against any ‘opposite’ group, they’re just propagating the problem.

      My whole point is people should stop doing that, and realize they’re only propagating the problem.

      All people are created equal. Men, women, light or dark. All born equal and should generally be treated as such. Yes some grow up to be bad apples, but damn, when they’re long dead, don’t blame their descendants.

      Break the cycle.

      Edit: My starting point was basically that any and all mature adults should have every right to visit any museum they want. It’s artwork and artifacts, not a brothel.