Cream get the money Dolla Dolla bill yall

    -11 year ago

    I think we’ve seen how far the Democrats will go down the authoritarianism path during the lockdowns, which was horrific and corrupt, but you’re right, it’s not nearly as bad as what the stupid fucking Republicans will do if they get their way next year.

      31 year ago

      How far did they even go? Forcing people to stay home and wear masks during a pandemic is not the same as saying you want to exile leftists(which FYI trump did say). They are not equivalent and being unaware of that is dangerous.

        1 year ago

        They forced people to accept vaccines they didn’t want under pain of losing their jobs.

        Which is inherently destructive and abusive to the working class.

        Actually shit like that is what empowered dipshits like DeSantis and Abbott, and why Florida and Texas are so especially hard-nosed against the Democrats and left-wing culture in general.

        The left doesn’t want to admit that what they did was wrong, which will keep them from being able to win over enough moderates to stop the right, so I suspect the right will ultimately win and impose their horrific flavor of authoritarianism on the rest of us.

        The LGBTQ+ community, women and minorities will suffer the most. Especially the kids. They’re the ones I feel the worst for.

        Also, let me be clear that I am not drawing any kind of equivalency; actually my point is that Democrats at their worst (which we saw the past few years) is not as bad as the Republicans at their worst is going to be, and it’s partly Democrats’ fault for empowering the hard right by giving them something legitimate to oppose.

          1 year ago

          While there were issues with the way things were done with vaccination, you have to understand why it even got there. We had a situation where people were unreasonably made scared of vaccines which were by every metric substantially safer for the general population than the side effects. If right wingers convinced the population that they should do 150mph in a school zone and this is fine behavior because speed limits are a conspiracy and crashing into someone else doesn’t actually hurt them, how would you deal with this? I don’t think there are any good answers here, but the vaccines were better than not, and you need herd immunity for things to get better. And again, forcing people who can get vaccinated to get vaccinated, with overwhelming evidence that this was safer for everyone involved, is not the same as exile or imprisonment based on political beliefs.

            -31 year ago

            Please lookup the latest info where the accepted that the vaccines were not tested and Pfizer lied about the data they presented to get vaccine approval. They are all corrupt peas from the same pod. Republicans or democrats, doesn’t matter. They all are only working to enhance the oligarchy.

              31 year ago

              Wut. Pfizer cominraty was well tested, all independent results since confirm the 2020 testing was accurate. The people in power were told the rate of negative side-effects. The benefit outweighed the negative; from a capital / social / utilitarian / every approach to the metric.

              I question your background knowledge in the medical approval process. Your conspiracy focus’ on the wrong elements

                01 year ago

                If we remove the authors of the independent results that were in one way or the other funded by Pfizer or other pharmaceutical companies, we are left we the true independent analysis from scientists whose voice was mulled by the mainstream media. The same mainstream media who for some reason had Pfizer advertisements. The negative effects of the vaccine far outweighed the benefits for people who did not have any underlying health conditions. COVID was never an issue for young healthy adults.

                  11 year ago

                  Who is running this bizarre metaanalysis?

                  COVID was never an issue for young healthy adults.

                  Extraordinary claims. Could you provide evidence the vaccination program resulted in a net negative health outcome for the 15-35 age group?

                  Additionally, I like my grandma, please don’t murder her through a lack of societal conviction.

                    01 year ago

                    Could you provide evidence that it did not? Very easy to ask for evidence when a simple Google search would show you all you need to know.