• @beardown@lemm.ee
    52 months ago

    Biden is arming and funding a genocide

    He has no moral credibility and neither does the Democratic Party

    • @disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      We all know of his support. What you don’t seem to recognize is that Trump will be worse. Protest Biden’s support of Israel. Just don’t pretend that things will be get better by supporting Trump. We all know that’s a lie.

      Also, the Republicans tried to pass Israel aid independent of Ukraine and Taiwan aid. Don’t pretend for a second that the Democrats in Congress are morally inferior to the Republicans.

      • @beardown@lemm.ee
        12 months ago

        The Democrats are arming and funding a genocide. Even George W Bush and Trump never did that.

        Only one president in my lifetime ever armed and funded a genocide. That president is a Democrat and his name is Joe Biden

          • @beardown@lemm.ee
            32 months ago

            What are the elements of the crime of genocide, and how were they all present in Iraq?

            Gaza is worse than that abomination because of Israels clear intent to exterminate a people. Which is what makes it genocide. This isn’t a war with an unacceptably large amount of deaths - its a targeted extermination campaign that is also engaging in ethnic cleansing and collective punishment

            • @disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
              12 months ago

              If you can’t see the vilification and indiscriminate killing of Arabs as genocidal, and you’d rather argue semantics, then technically speaking Netanyahu’s horrific actions in Gaza are not genocide until determined by the ICC. Saying “Bush wouldn’t even do this” is absurd.

              • @beardown@lemm.ee
                12 months ago

                Genocide is a crime. Crimes have elements. Tell me how Iraq meets all of those elements

                Its why Maos great leap forward isn’t genocide. Did millions of people die? Yes. Did the CCP intend for those people to die? No. As opposed to the holocaust wherein the deaths of 9 million people were the clear intent.

                Here, Netanyahu wants to exterminate the gazans and is doing so. Which makes it genocide

                Mens rea/mental intent is a necessary and critical element of all criminal law. It’s the distinguishing factor between murder and manslaughter. Or between genocide and neoconservative “nation building”. It isn’t semantics

                • @disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
                  22 months ago

                  It’s determined by the ICC and International law. If you’re being technical of the designation, that’s how it’s defined.

                  • @beardown@lemm.ee
                    22 months ago

                    It is determined when the elements of a crime are satisfied.

                    A murderer has committed murder even if they are never arrested by law enforcement. Shoplifting has still occurred even if the thief is never prosecuted. Israel is committing genocide even if the ICC and ICJ (which are overwhelmingly funded by the United States and the West) never obtain a conviction.

    • @WamGams@lemmy.ca
      -12 months ago

      Sure I get that, but I would also point out that you aren’t personally getting food into Gaza. Trump is going to tear down the humanitarian aid for Palestinians that Biden and the Democrats are working through the diplomatic process.

      When Trump is elected and this genocide becomes a success, make no mistake, you will have had a hand in that, and I think you would lose that ability to criticize Biden.

      • @beardown@lemm.ee
        22 months ago

        the humanitarian aid for Palestinians that Biden and the Democrats are working through the diplomatic process.

        This is not happening. It’s a fairy tale

        this genocide becomes a success

        Already is.

        I think you would lose that ability to criticize Biden.

        I think everyone who voted for Biden in 2020, which includes me, is culpable for this genocide.

        Unfortunately, the United States is not a democracy. It is a dictatorship of the oligarchs. Which means there is no way to influence policy on which the oligarchs agree. This Zionist genocide is one such example. Another is single payer healthcare. And workplace democracy.

        This country is a hellhole whose living conditions will continue to deteriorate for the rest of our lives, much like they have since 1968. Voting for Biden or for trump will not change that.

        Moving to somewhere like Denmark is the best possible option. No American should have any hope for this country. It is naive to think that Biden and The Democrats will do anything to meaningfully improve the country or the world. They are owned by the oligarchs - they just don’t actively hate guys or women.

        • @WamGams@lemmy.ca
          -12 months ago

          You are privileged enough to go to Denmark, that’s great.

          They aren’t accepting over 300 million migrants. Just because you won’t be paying the repurcussions for your helping the Trump campaign doesn’t make you the moral beacon you pretend to be.

          • @beardown@lemm.ee
            32 months ago

            No, I can’t go to Denmark, actually. Everyone who can go, should go.

            This country is fucked regardless of who wins. Neoliberals like the Democrats have destroyed the United States and killed the New Deal. Which is inevitably going to cause this country to elect a fascist. If not Trump in 2024, then someone else in 2028 or 2032. There is no way out of this except for socialism, or, at the least, social democracy. Which is impossible, because our oligarchs will never allow such a thing.

            You and I are on the Titanic. Neither of us are getting a lifeboat. Accept that.

            • @WamGams@lemmy.ca
              -22 months ago

              I gotta say this message has a pretty big red flag for me. The American movement is referred to as Democratic Socialism.

              I don’t think an American leftist would make that mistake, nor be unaware that our movement is actively infiltrating the democratic party, nor that our relevance within the Democratic Party has never been greater.

              I’m sorry, but I think you are almost certainly astroturfing.

              • @beardown@lemm.ee
                2 months ago

                I have no idea what you’re talking about

                Sanders is a self-proclaimed democratic socialist. But so what? You think the average person under 40 is actually afraid of socialism? You think that’s a bad word? What are you, a boomer?

                Also, considering that you’re defending American oligarchy and genocide, it’s pretty clear that you’re astroturfing

                How’s the weather at Eglin Air Force base in May?

                • @WamGams@lemmy.ca
                  -12 months ago

                  Nothing you just said makes any sense.

                  The term you used “social democracy” is not what the movement is called in the US. That’s a European thing. democratic socialism is the movement Americans Americans are fighting for.

                  It’s curious that when I pointed this out to you, you immediately accused me of being a boomer in the air force afraid of Democratic socialism despite just being told I am one.

                  Thanks for outing your account!

                  • @beardown@lemm.ee
                    2 months ago

                    The term you used “social democracy” is not what the movement is called in the US

                    Social democracy and democratic socialism are two completely different things. The former is liberalism (with an enormous welfare state - which is what the Nordic countries have and what the US has never actually had and have diminished since 1968.) The latter is socialism. Please do not correct anyone about misuse of terms unless you actually understand what you’re talking about. Log off and read before spreading ignorance - unless you enjoy being accused of astroturfing.