My elderly relative is already growing frustrated with her. He suggested putting her outside again.

  • iltoroargento
    17 days ago

    Your elderly relative is a piece of shit. Put him outside.

    Edit: Also, take the cat to a vet and start thinking about end of life care for this sweet kitty and whether you want to lift a finger for your relative once he’s in a similar position.

      1217 days ago

      and whether you want to lift a finger for your relative once he’s in a similar position.

      Seconded on all counts, especially this one

      315 days ago

      There is value to having the conversation about “holding on for too long”. But…

      But, “euthanasia vs palliative care” is a conversation that must be between you (the owner) and your vet

      It’s possible that there are other, addressable reasons for being unable to make it to the litter box, and a vet visit is necessary to identify and address these issues

      As well, it’s possible that it is indeed “time”. A conversation with the vet is best