So far Lemmy is vibing. Everyone here is excited and optimistic and willing to put up with a few rough spots to be part of something.

When the Eternal September comes, which it will, how does a Lemmy instance deal with bad actors?

    151 year ago

    Lol yeah!. Default should be “all” imo. Also, the default sort would be “hot”.

      51 year ago

      You can change your default for both in the Jerboa app (hamburger menu, settings, account settings). But you’re right, both of those should be defualt.

        41 year ago

        You can also do it in your instance profile settings on the web ui (at least for

    • commiespammer
      -231 year ago

      I mean most of the time I’d still prefer to stay in local. It’s mindblowing how many libs got through.

        61 year ago

        I kind of wanted to downvote you, but I suppose ecochambers are kind of a feature in Lemmy? I’ll have to wrap my head around that.

        • Like reddit, it’s by design. That’s the price we pay for participating in a consensus-driven frontpage aggregator that’s divided by interests/politics/ideologies etc…

          My stance is leave them alone to talk shit about me so I’m left alone to talk shit about them. Block and move on if I find the person disruptive, report them if they break server rules. And then block them and move on.

          In total I think I’ve blocked more people than I’ve downvoted on Lemmy.

          • voxov7
            21 year ago

            I hardly ever used downvotes on reddit and will probably use them even less on lemmy, though I’m still very glad to have it if I need it.