Trump sorta faded from the limelight in 2021. He’s everywhere now. How much of that is because of his multiple prosecutions?

Don’t get me wrong, I think he should be imprisoned for treason. But if there hadn’t been these cases against him, how likely would it be that he just fucked off into the sunset and didn’t run for a second term? He might have run otherwise, but now he’s kinda forced to (as though he wasn’t a narcissist who craved attention – I’m not debating that).

Obviously, we can only speculate. But I’m curious what others think about this?

  • @some_guyOP
    123 months ago

    When it’s an attempted treason it should.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      53 months ago

      It wasn’t attempted. As far as we know, he sold nuclear secrets to our enemies. It was insurrection that was attempted.