• Unruffled
    13 months ago

    If you want to talk politics, you’re gonna have to accept the fact that people will have different opions. This isn’t hexbear where everyone with a different view is instabanned. I get that emotions are running high over the situation in Gaza, but try to respond in good faith instead of leaping to the most uncharitable interpretation possible.

    • @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      33 months ago

      You are incorrect about hexbear. I am an anarchist and post there almost exclusively, I have seen more vigorous debate there than any other left space. Hexbear actually allows proper arguments and doesn’t even have downvotes.

      • Unruffled
        13 months ago

        That has not been my experience, but I’m glad it works for you.

        • @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          33 months ago

          That’s unfortunate to hear, I don’t know the context of your experience so I can’t make any assumption, but it is just funny to me how much I see comments like that about hexbear, when I have found it to be very welcoming to diverse views (aside from pro-liberalism or fascism), and plenty of other anarchists on there agree. I wouldn’t have been drawn towards it if it weren’t for so many people saying they were ‘MAGA tankies’ etc.

    • @commie@lemmy.dbzer0.comOP
      23 months ago

      if these same opinions were being voiced in c/politics or c/news, my pushback would be decidedly different. this is an anarchist community, and frankly i don’t believe the other user’s operating in good faith. just saying “i’m an anarchist” is a pretty thin shield for accusing principled organizers of antisemitism and derailing discussion about a global coordinated resistance movement.

      i think it’s super cool that an admin is weighing in (since i think that means my reports are being read), but maybe we could get an anarchist to actually do some of the moderation here.

      • Unruffled
        23 months ago

        We read every report, but only take mod actions where it is warranted. Reading through what @flora_explorer@beehaw.org has posted here, I don’t see anything that would violate any instance rules. You are welcome to block them if you don’t want to engage with their arguments.

        • @commie@lemmy.dbzer0.comOP
          23 months ago

          my concern isn’t instance-wide rules. as i said, in another community, my tact would have been totally different. my concern is whether this is actually an anarchist community or no.

          • Unruffled
            23 months ago

            What does being an anarchist community mean to you? To my mind, if someone self identifies as an anarchist then they should be welcome here. If they are just here for trolling then that’s another issue, but I don’t think it applies in this case.

            • @commie@lemmy.dbzer0.comOP
              33 months ago

              an anarchist community doesn’t allow badjacketing and punching left, something this user is doing.

              if it were up to me, we would have the same policies as reddit’s anarchism subreddit.

              and they would not tolerate this user’s comments.

              • Unruffled
                13 months ago

                It seems to me that you are the only person badjacketing in this post. If you think it’s a good policy to ban fellow anarchists for having a nuanced view on the Gaza situation, then you might want to check out hexbear - intolerant authoritarianism is their whole vibe.

                  • Unruffled
                    3 months ago

                    You’re clearly very naive and cannot see the world as more than black and white. Now the Israeli state are the bad guys and the Palestinians are the good guys. So now it is OK to boycott jews again, shout about the eradication of the Jewish state and its people (“from the river to the sea”) and talk about a one-directional genocide since “75 years and 182 days”. This is either really really stupid or blatantly antisemitic.

                    They said that advocating for the eradication of the Jewish state and it’s people is either stupid or antisemitic. If you aren’t advocating that (and I don’t have any particular reason to think you are) then that statement doesn’t even apply to you. It’s a straw man argument. But looking at the link you posted, there’s a “river to the sea” comment right there from someone else. So I can see where they might have gotten that impression. Seems to me we can chalk this up to a simple misunderstanding. They made bad faith assumptions about you, you made bad faith assumptions against them. Lets move on.

                    Refer to https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/comment/9514481 for my response to flora.

                • @commie@lemmy.dbzer0.comOP
                  33 months ago

                  you think it’s a good policy to ban fellow anarchists for having a nuanced view on the Gaza situation

                  that’s not what it’s about. it’s about bad faith accusations of antisemitism against principled organizers.