SCMP is literally banned in mainland China by the CCP.
Its a war of cartels.
I’m pretty sure this is a work.
sorry, the first time I saw it the image didn’t load on my instance, so I thought OP was saying the title text alone was the meme.
How is this a meme?
Well I woke up at 2 a.m. for some reason. I went ahead and watched wrestle dynasty. Now I am watching new years dash. Ithink I’m watching NJPW live from Japan for my first time. and use Web Video Caster app on Android to cast to your smart TV
For me it would probably be a match I never actually saw and was probably done many times in various house shows around the county.
I remember being 5 years old and for weeks WWF Superstars on KMSP played promos promoting am upcoming “world shattering” match Between Hulk Hogan & The Big Boss Man at the Target Center. I begged my dad to take me repeatedly, but we could hardly afford to keep the fridge full in those days let aline stick a 5 year old me in a car for 2 hours to get to Minneapolis for who knows how many hour show and over priced crap that a 5 year old would need to commerate going to a WWF House show.
to be even more fair, how many last matches did his homeboy Terry Funk have?
ah yes, this is better, this fatty at least was smart enough to take one step and be like “nope” even more so it if was going to cost me $3,000