
Modder, programmer, and all around tinkerer. Yes, I’m that New Vegas and Deus Ex guy.

You can also find me over at kbin.run under the same username. Also kbin.social if it ever comes back from the dead.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • Do you genuinely think the government doesn’t have any trace of whether or not you have changed your gender marker?

    Depends on how the state does it. California amends birth certificate in most cases by leaving the previous version of the document as an addendum to the current… except in cases of gender change. If any person or agency queries the document they see a single page that reflect the updated gender, no history.

    (They also do this if your name has a slur in it that you want removed, which is nice)

  • It’s become harder to get clean(ish) audio captures for theater films, but it’s not impossible. There are still theaters with hearing impaired seating and headphone hookups, still a few drive-in theaters that broadcast via FM (one of those here in Reno, actually).

    If anything, I think it’s because digital rips/DLs seem to come out more quickly. By the time a group has tracked down a clean audio stream and takes the time to sync it with footage, someone’s probably snagged a digital copy and released it.

    Now Telecines, those are basically unseen these days. Almost no theaters still use actual film, and the few that do are way more careful about their inventory management. Gone are the days when a whole film can just get “misplaced” for a few days while someone with a Telecine setup copies it, to say nothing of how few people have the setup for Telecine anymore in the first place.

  • An Xbox 360 with a VGA adapter and Dead Rising. My TV at the time was one of those gigantic old 90s video editing CRTs, the kind that take all sorts of analog inputs like RCA and S-Video and even did HD if you could convert something to BNC, but pointedly would not do Component or HDMI. A few days prior I’d learned that VGA can be repinned directly to BNC, and then when I was wandering through Best Buy I saw they’d gotten some 360 VGA adapters in. I stopped, flipped a coin, called heads, it landed heads, I bought it.

    I’d figured I’d get some minor fun out of it, basically just bought it because I really wanted to play Dead Rising. Instead I wound up using the ever loving hell out of my 360. Still have it, still works, no RROD or anything.