Doesn’t that moreso snooze fascism instead of stopping it?
Doesn’t that moreso snooze fascism instead of stopping it?
Is that a liquid gaylord for a head?
Something tells me the problem isn’t too many weightlifters.
We choose to run and do the other things not because it is easy, but because it is hard.
Tourette’s Guy hasn’t been paying rent in my head for a long time now.
About $4/dozen in Kentucky.
Bait for those evil tankies that ruin .world
…but they never got Haiti.
Removed by mod
Can someone fill me in on the background behind the story on the left?
Solid TLDR for nutritional advice.
When you hang your keys on your loop;
Do you tuck them in your pocket? Or do you let them clang around all day?
“Works on my machine.”
I Think You Should Leave. 15 minute episodes.
I bought an old used kindle and jailbroke it. You still need to shop around though because people think selling secondhand means recouping all of their original cost.
That makes it sound like a secular version of thoughts and prayers.
I’m glad you asked. I saw 0 comments and assumed I was juuust too autistic to get this one.
Rough numbers/back of the napkin trigger warning. 73 million out of a population of 337 million is roughly 21.7% of the population. Remember that when Ds and Rs yell about “half the country”
Redder than the devil’s asshole.