Thank you very much. Their experience will help others. And it can keep worthy machines out of the recycling bin.
When You are ready and have a chance, could you post to and I looked around on dmesgd and didn’t see if it.
Playlist of full day videos made during the Summit: OpenZFS User & Dev playlist
Has anyone done a study to see if rail is cheaper to maintain than roads? Good public transport infrastructure would go a long way to preserving road conditions and keeping traffic lighter.
I am sure many here have seen this, but this photo seems very informative on the waste of space that is parking lots.
@EuroBSDCon fundraising news: We have a commitment of €500 from community member @openbsdams. This gets us closer to our €2000 goal for hardware: a second ATEM streaming deck plus wireless microphone and accessories needed for EuroBSDCon Dublin. If you can help the make our video efforts it will go toward making EuroBSDCon and future *BSD community videos easier to produce and of higher quality. The first round of hardware donations were used in the main room of BSDCan and the FreeBSD Dev Summit to good results. Boosts welcome.
Sounds a bit better in German:
Discussion is needed on this topic. At one point in the first video they actually talk about the price coming down once they can start mass production. My opinion from the sidelines is that the market for this product is still in the pre-Elon Tesla days when their first roadster was NOT cheap and handmade, and when it was more a proof of concept. Create the product to create the market. I wish them luck.
Peertube playlist for BSDCan 2024 brought to you by the good people of the SDF:
NetBSD Subfiles By: Elijah Sherwood & Dr Philip Nelson Subfiles By: Elijah Sherwood & Dr Philip Nelson
BSDCan video posted: NetBSD on RISC-V - It Finally Runs NetBSD By: Dylan Eskew & Dr Phil Nelson on RISC-V - It Finally Runs NetBSD By: Dylan Eskew & Dr Phil Nelson
deleted by creator
Video posted:
Newest BSDCan video posted: DJ-BSD
Additional BSDCan video posted: quiz: tiny VMs for kernel development By: Rob Norris
[Possibly Mike Karels last talk:] FreeBSD Stories from 2023 DevSummit Ottawa. (
What software is this please? I especially like the art underlay.
I wonder if it has anything g to do with all the advertisements for luxury cars in every edition of the paper… :-/ Cheers for the post.
You can always try out a VM if you are comfortable with VMs or FreeBSD on a usb stick with NomadBSD.
I use NamadBSD to “try out” hardware to see how compatible it is. There is also, one of the largest NetBSD sites on the web. Enjoy the adventure. I hope 2025 a good year for you.