I think I’ve read about something like that a few years ago but I don’t remember exactly. Was originally made for traffic accidents where you want to collect evidence against the other driver threatening you or similar, but should be exactly that.
Cool, ungefähr zu der Zeit bin ich von vegetarisch zu vegan geswitched, und ehrlich gesagt weiß ich nicht, ob ich das auch gemacht hätte, wenn’s nicht plötzlich so viel veganes Zeug überall gegeben hätte.
Regardless of how you host Nextcloud, what you described is one thing I really like about Nextcloud: the major part of it being synced to several devices. As long as you have a computer with the desktop client that’s on every once in a while, your stuff is saved across different devices.
I’ve had a similar thing happen once btw, deleted the wrong server. It was “just” monitoring data, but I had spent a lot of effort building it properly. I eventually started over it, but knowing the whole thing is gone feels really bad.
Does it? I think it logs you out and after logging in again, you need to provide your encryption key/verify with other device again in order to access the history. Or wdym with breaking?
Ah! I don’t know what exactly these mean, would be interesting to see what Element says what those mean. I don’t think Element actually adds these to your messages etc but I don’t know the protocol enough.
Does IRC have performant voicechat?
Die vielen Privatisierungsschritte der vergangenen Monate hätten für zu viel Arbeit für viele Klinikärzte in Rendsburg (Kreis Rendsburg-Eckernförde) geführt.
I think they have different use cases. OL may have a more consistent library, but Bookwyrm has the (social) features im looking for in a book app.
Personally I add books to OL and then import to BW.
Exactly - but since they seem to open the beta to their customers already I’d assume there won’t be that many breaking changes, but I wouldn’t rely on it already. Considering using it on a testdomain
Does it? On Android, it never asked me to grant location permission unless I try to share my location to another user. Similar with contacts and calendar, it’s working perfectly fine without them. Where exactly does it link those identifiers and with what?
It is, but it’s not recommended for productive use yet. Quote from their newsletter March 2nd:
What about self-hosting?
Several people have asked about using ActivityPub if you’re hosting Ghost elsewhere. Some quick notes about that:
Importantly, Ghost’s ActivityPub service is already out in the wild, open source, and released under the MIT license. We build in public, and all our work is up on GitHub for anyone to download, fork, run or deploy if they want to.
What’s missing right now, mainly, is documentation. You could already self-host ActivityPub if you really wanted to, but there’s a lot you’d need to figure out to get it running properly.
So the question is less “when will it be possible” and more “when will it be easy”?
At the moment we’re moving quickly and making many breaking changes each week which aren’t backwards compatible (like switching to a new DB) – so the app isn’t stable. Even if we did document everything, if you self-hosted then it would just break constantly — so it doesn’t make much sense for us to try to document and promote self-hosting, because it won’t be a good experience for anyone.
Right now we’re prioritising developing the app and building features, deployed in a single location, so we can make progress. Once the app is stable, then we’ll start documenting (and optimizing) the process of deploying it and hosting it elsewhere.
We’re hoping to get to that work some time this summer, and we’ll share details of that here, as we go. Our first priority is just getting ActivityPub working and stable with a base feature set.
Search currently includes OpenLibrary and Inventaire, plus some more I think but I’m not sure right now.
That doesn’t mean a Browser plug-in couldn’t be useful ofc, but Bookwyrm is not limited to what it’s users manually add - even though, through federation, that’s quite a lot already.
OL reviews are not pulled, just the book data
Echt? War so vor zehn Jahren als ich ausgelernt hab (Fachinformatiker) alles andere als selbstverständlich. Im Handwerk waren Azubis da auch gerne einfach billige Arbeitskräfte.
Thanks a lot for your response! I too was a bit misguided by the way Proxmox presents LXCs but I’m mostly on VMs and haven’t explored LXCs further so far.
What’s your motivation for the switch? Second time in a short while I’ve heard about people migrating to incus.
That sounds so cool! Not using any tracking/nav devices other than my phone but currently my routes just stay local without having any kind of management for them.
Cool to have it ready anyways! Does it federate? You can use all sorts of dev-support groups etc.
Oh, sounds pretty cool, I have never looked into that.