Oh you poor innocent creature, those are rookie amounts. If isn’t a quarter inch thick it’s not worth eating.
I know there was a point in 60s where their middle class was flourishing domestically, but internationally the US was the same as ever, no?
I mix it with butter and then snort it
For anyone who can’t wait for the ending:
It was his sled from when he was a kid. There, I just saved you two long, boobless hours
Thank you, yes but that’s current.
My parents generation still harken back to a golden time when the US was leader in freedom of speech and social mobility. There is some merit to what they said back then, especially in terms of consumer interests being somewhat aligned with retailer interests back then, but I want to genuinely know if this even back then was more propoganda than reality.
Embrace nihilism and become the real change in the world? Inspiring!
Genuine question: when exactly? I know there was a point in 60s where their middle class was flourishing domestically, but internationally the US was the same as ever, no?
Finally, a fellow scholar!
My wife/mother can change that lightbulb just fine!
We do this in my local park.
We coppice the hazel and blackthorn to get long straight stakes that we sharpen, and we pleach those along a path to form hedgerows. We then use long hawthorn for the binding, though we get that from another park.
It’s pretty fun.
Biggest to smallest fails though for years which are smaller than the months, and for months which are smaller than the days.
e.g. Dec 1st 2003, would be written 12/03/01 biggest to smallest
I don’t think you’ve thought this through, and frankly I question your mother’s sexual decency.
Some say her mother was a teenage witch and that her father lived in Nazareth 2000 years ago…
All we do know is, that some people call her The Stig.
And successfully hunted, we did it boys. He won’t be harming us again
The one the left looks pretty convincing. If you print that out a few thousand times, that’s money in the bank right there
N26, berlin-based, they handle the fees
Fuck large US American businesses sure, but why fuck the small independent ones?