But converting isn’t the same as what you’re suggesting
But converting isn’t the same as what you’re suggesting
It says the frontier models weren’t changed though… Do you think this introduction ending is incorrect?
Together, our findings demonstrate that frontier models now possess capabili ties for basic in-context scheming, making the potential of AI agents to engage in scheming behavior a concrete rather than theoretical concern.
Too bad that in v0.19.6 and 0.19.7 the thumbnails for many new posts will be blank
[Bug]: Images not being rendered properly after 0.19.6 upgrade #5196
i think v1.0 is there because “Ondsel” is stopping and donated things to FreeCad
(and they emailed a lot of admins asking them to ban me!)
i wonder if they recognize this behaviour, caught after the USA election results came out (viewers discretion adviced) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxZix3EL1Ms&list=PL2DkrnovXSRNHHp1I6KLwsDCHVNZ-lEbl&index=1
i agree on being charitable. That’s the only mindset which overcomes the downward spiral of society giving up on society.
What is “ND expressions”? (im not being funny or something)
imo, it’s more stupid that there’s no mainstream news coverage about this ruling against FDA. i haven’t found a single site reporting about it. you?
Must be because of what i posted.
instead of the article being scrutenized (and educating people on how to detect pseudoscience) the post got removed.
At least i got a nice reply showing what was someone’s reason for doubting the scientific process of that publisher… before it got moderated.
Maybe it’s possible to use a flags of some sort, to indicate that, even though it’s a scientific publication and was peer reviewed, that this Lemmy community thinks it’s a bad piece. (but not by up/downvote as a downvote means it goes to the end of the pile, and the education effect is lost)
Like, i want to put this article under your attention, so that i get an idea of what others think about it https://bmjpublichealth.bmj.com/content/2/1/e000282 But i’m afraid to post it, because of the possible backlash(i.e. moderation and maybe banning?)
Thanks. yes i realized the last one, and know of his work.
Looking at the “method”, it doesn’t look like rocket-science. I’d like to know, is the publication itself a fraud or not?
Thanks for the tip.
The internet page says “Potential predatory scholarly open-access journals”
So i hope at least a few read the paper and assess their method
For those who want a summary in less technical terms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEgjuB-0bw8
The interview actually had much more interesting content…
Thing is, i see this clip and cringe for the blatant misinfo outed by the media and government.
But others still think this ranting is appropriate😥
i do wonder if they realize e.g.
ps. i’m talking about the Netherlands
didn’t/doesn’t address housing shortage.
The minister is doing the opposite because he doesn’t know market dynamics https://www.nporadio1.nl/nieuws/politiek/6dc70657-6081-480b-a2e4-7eddf8a17c37/huurwet-van-hugo-de-jonge-rijdt-meer-woningen-bouwen-volledig-in-de-wielen
increases taxation as a means to get more income flow to the government This is normal and a good thing? I’m also not sure which taxes you’re referring to? Our taxes haven’t really changed much recently.
The government shouldn’t be our babysitter. They’re increasing living restricitions and costs more and more.
Inflation is being dealt with… Things are nearly back to normal levels of inflation. You can’t say that it’s not being addressed.
Back to what? These days mom and dad both need to work for money to make ends meet. (and one of both can’t be home properly for the kids) That was different when i was a kid.
spends crazy(milions and bilions) on S.D.G ideals
and only for a possible 1.5degrees according to some model?! https://nos.nl/artikel/2472948-kabinet-trekt-28-miljard-uit-voor-120-klimaatmaatregelen-zal-af-en-toe-knellen
- makes it impossible for farmers to meet (Co2 etc)regulations
- and government buys them out…
- and Schiphol etc buying that land for extra CO2 credit.
Once again I need some sources on this, this sounds like something you heard and are repeating without taking the time to understand what was being talked about and now you’re trying to pass it off as fact.
has crazy ‘sustainability’ demains, which makes international production business move elsewhere
Not sure what you’re talking about here. Is this referring to businesses “offshoring” the production of goods? This has been happening for a long time and I hope that we can start bring more manufacturing back “onshore”
increasing poverty. People requiring food-bank support is increasing, but because of increasingly harsh business environment the food-bank actually obtains less from industrie.
Yes poverty is up, but not for the reasons you’re suggesting(unless you have some new data I haven’t seen). food inflation is going to be the new norm until the world gets the climate crisis under control. Our global agriculture system is not built to handle the rapidly changing climate we’ve created. droughts, floods and war are likely going to continue to cause price instability.
The climate science isn’t settled to say it’s CO2 and/or Nitrogen etc. There’s documentary and books showing that there’s no actual source to claim it as facts. This books tries to find the actual basis for it but fails: https://www.amazon.nl/Niemand-Cockpit-stikstof-case-study/dp/9083271595
droughts, floods and war are likely going to continue to cause price instability.
Regarding droughts and floods in europe, maybe these privately subsidized parties are pulling the wrong strings…
Regarding Price instability > How about US taking responsibility for the Nordstream pipeline bombing. Biden has said plainy that he would. Why is it not picked up?
- many small/medium businesses are going bust because they can’t repay the corona-loan. (which many have warned is a slow death trap)
This is also normal? Many economists believe that economic downswings every 7-15 years is good for an economy because it helps wipe out under preforming businesses. if a company took out 60k in loans, and after 4 years hasn’t been able to pay back the 40k they owe (20k was already forgiving), and also can’t find a bank to move that loan to, they are likely not running a very good business.
I’m glad that we gave these businesses a lifeline during covid, but at some point they need to prove that they can adapt to the new market conditions. No one forced them to take these loans…
Government imposed lockdowns without constent. (which afterwards were proven to be useless).That means owners were left without income, increasing debt and staff with similar insecurities. How is that a good thing? imo, the government should have forgiven them the money. i as a tax-payer rather give them my tax-money than all the money wasted on the 1.5degrees without any proof of actual effect.
i agree. as long as industry makes money the train keeps moving. But Toyota doesn’t bet on EVs. Sparks my interest.
Regarding concens. i wonder when the “green train” wakes up to the mounting recycling problem of
in NL, the sun rarely shines and especially doesn’t during the night. and since there’s no proper way to store huge amounts of electrical power during the day,
Because they’re a non-democratic party, and they’ve cooked up a big plan which is being rolled out in all connected countries.
in NL, the government has committed already in 2015 https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/ontwikkelingssamenwerking/internationale-afspraken-ontwikkelingssamenwerking While there’s no money in SDG’s there’s an enormous drive to make it progress… Wonder who is paying for all that. Here are some websites showing Dutch government initiatives;
The SDG plans seem benevolent, but the problem i have with it; while the outcome sounds nice, it doesn’t say ‘how’ they want to arrive there.
i’ve seen the Arup/c40 publication regarding going for ‘sustainability’. e.g. it calls a target of 0 Kg meat, and 0 Kg dairy per person per year, an Ambitious target for 2030?! Here you can download their PDF https://www.arup.com/perspectives/publications/research/section/the-future-of-urban-consumption-in-a-1-5c-world
I think it’s an interesting read for realizing how extreme groups are willing to think, and not even being ashamed for it, or being called out on it
i agree it’s not done and dusted.
But it’s less pseudoscience as the “GEET reactor” which seemingly has some similar principles operating in it. However, that was by a few people who didn’t have the physics insight/skills to properly analyze what they’d sometimes seen. This “thunderstorm generator” has some proper engineers in various places working at it.
i googled geet vs thunderstorm and actually came across this post. Not really reassuring :/