clever & funny bio goes here
Would be interesting to see an entire season-long swiss system tournament.
Make it a 32 team playoff, open only to B1G and SEC. All other programs are forced to liquidate all assets for make benefit glorious nation of Kazakhstan oligarchy
Dan Draper is gifted and talented, but he’s also a raging prick.
How about an oversized Dr Seuss book?
With an awning to protect against the prehistoric sun
Fuck Colin Robinson.
Hang out with Guillermo instead.
Sounds like a line from a deleted scene from In Bruges
Supposedly it was 6 years $156 million, a $26 million AAV
I would do something minor to mess with the four corners intersection. Mua ha ha ha!
I live around some Astros fans and I wonder how upset they’ll be
That’s a big if, unless someone finds Jerruh’s horcrux.
Sounds similar to a navy shower:
A lifting cape seems like a safety hazard waiting to happen
I’m cheering for Team Meteor Strike
Ah, the classic masterpiece from Pornelius Hubert.
and has the Yankees. Who suck. Fuck the Yankees
Lol. My two favorite MLB teams are the one I grew up watching (having lived in many parts of their media market), and whoever is playing the Yankees.
I thoroughly enjoyed it.
He’s 6’6” and weighs 360 lbs. Four beers, assuming a conventional 12 oz bottle of 5% beer like Budweiser, shouldn’t be nearly enough to make him blow a 0.178.
I used an AI tool to estimate how many 5% beers it would take a 360 pound man to blow a .178. The tool’s estimate was that it would take about 169 ounces of 5% beer to get up to a .178. That’s about 14 x 12 oz bottles or cans of Budweiser.
He’s lying about what he drank or how much.
I’m just glad he didn’t hurt anyone.