• 0 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Hmm kann ich respektieren, wenn man einige Sachen nicht moderieren möchte. Aber es kann ja auch nicht sein, dass die feddit mods alle anderen Instanzen mitmoderieren müssen oder? Das ist ja auch bei den gewhitelisteten Instanzen schon nicht möglich. Man müsste sich eigentlich drauf verlassen können, dass die Instanzen jeweils ihre nativen communities moderieren. Anders ist das doch nicht tragbar?

  • Interesting! I’m using the f-droid version which only has 32 right now. Does play store have 33?

    [Edit] ok nevermind, had to refresh the package sources on f droid and got .33

    I get the same long press behaviour as you guys now. Wish it would affect the whole thread at least and not just a single comment. Kinda useless right now I feel

  • [Edit] ok I was blind, there is already an option for that in the settings called “show action bar by default for comments” not sure, if this came with .33 or not but I’m happy now :D

    Looks good!

    One suggestion:

    Can you make an option to hide the controls for comments (up/downvote, permalink and so on…) and make them only pop up when I press on the comment?

    When reading the comments of a post, the controls take away a lot of screen space. I don’t want to interact with very comment, so hiding the controls would declutter the comment section imho

    Example of what I mean in Sync for reddit:

    Controls Hidden

    Controls shown