I’d I unironically say that philosophy and logic classes are extremely helpful for programming.
I’d I unironically say that philosophy and logic classes are extremely helpful for programming.
Lines of separation are bad? I like adding a few empty lines to denote a different logical section so it’s easier for me to read back later :c
I’d argue against the example image being damning in the first place because it’s fairly obvious they’re both derived from the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, which is well passed the point of being public domain
I’ve not used a ultrawide before as I actually like the natural separation that the 2 or 3 monitors I have brings, it’s easy for me to go “this belongs on this screen and that on the other one”. I use the tilling in KDE for further breaking windows up if I’m so inclined.
But, if you’re already using a tiling manager as your DE then I’d say go for the ultrawide, slightly less desk real estate and you can already get your windows exactly how you want pretty easily with i3, and you can’t argue that when you play a movie or game it’s going to feel impressive.
It’s been a week and my CEO still hasn’t responded my email asking for scope clarification for a project he asked me to do…
I’m proud of you too, I love ink drawings this is beautiful!
Just to be pedantic, iso 8601 stipulates that the delimiting character is a “-” not a “.”
Why no reverse proxy?
Sex toys aside, that’s a great logo and I’d be proud of any graphic designer that made that
I’ve been really happy with it; I’ve been using it for templating reports at work for months now. I’ve just started experimenting with using jinja to pretemplate my template lol.
I’ll probably continue down that track to try and automate my workflow away so I can focus on less tedious things, but after you get used to the box encapsulation it becomes fairly easy to work with!
Maybe we could all raid niconico?
If you like power metal try visigoth (I think their drummer does an amazing job at controlling the dynamics and pace of their songs) and Fellowship (I’ve never heard any other band come nearly as close at something uplifting and motivating); I really like Glint from fellowship as an example of that! It’s the “response” to the “call” from Oak and Ash earlier in the album
Can we get a Santa v Satan boxing movie?
A 3d printer could get you one fairly quickly, but the ATF also wants their money if you do
Level 5, I still go back to play dark cloud 1 and 2 every couple years. Now if they’d just make the third one I stead of another professor Layton or yokai watch that’d be great!
Seems like a good way to get smited, naming random (probably evil) energy that came from nowhere space (but not the sun) after the head goddess of Shintoism. Maybe Susanoo or Orochi would have kept the theme while not angering a top tier god.
I just made a Dremel safety jig in tinkercad for work. Fairly simple to work with and it’ll get the job done for sure, but editing parts later can be a bit of a pain
Wait, I can play pso2 on the deck?! I might have to download it!
The epic of Gilgamesh was written in Akkadian like 2000bc. Old English would be more like Beowulf.
You could make a second part that’s always screwed into the screwy bit and then remix the new cap to pop into that!