@SrMono Cans of bears?
Tyrolean in the Dutch Mountains. Passionate about: FOSS | Linux | Privacy | Cybersecurity | Infosec | Cloud Living | Making things | Meshtastic | (HAM) Radio | Bushcraft | Photography | Minimalism | Typewriters | Stationary | Productivity and other musings.
@SrMono Cans of bears?
@skeptomatic @SrMono You find that aplenty over on Matrix…
@Phytobus @StrangeMed Also… There’s a discussion to be had whether we want to boycott EVERYTHING american or if we still support those who are basically doing the right thing…
@Valmond @SrMono Most popular out there and one of the easiest to set up / easiest to convince non-tech users to switch over to. Not the best… For me, that award would go to Matrix / Element.
Threema would be second (and should be first), but many will balk at the shocking fact that they dare to ask money to contribute to their development and operation costs…
@nuko147 @SchwertImStein Me neither, but politicians should not be using commercial and closed platforms for communication owned by people like Zuck and Musk that earn money with this… That is something I DO take issue with. And i don’t really see how Bluesky is better than X.
@JasSmith I know. IT Admin myself…
@Kualdir Yep… That’s why I say compromises… With the demise / fusion of Eurocard there are no more alternatives left.
@JasSmith And you fall in trap many intelligent people fall into… just because YOU may be qualified to discern what is lie and what is truth and know how to verify sources properly, does not mean that the majority of people does and that is where we need legislation to take the helm to prevent greater damage to society as a whole.
“The masses have no habit of self-reliance or original action”
@JasSmith BTW… changing your DNS provider is a piece of cake, so censorship on that level would not be very effective unless ALL DNS providers would decide to block something.
@igiIq Looks to me like you have to decide which you find more important:
Security / Privacy / decentralisation (Matrix) or
ease-of-use, probably a larger pool of users and nicer looks (Revolt)
@igiIq Matrix would be another option. Fully encrypted too…
@ShadyQuark By the way… Here in NL the banks switched their Maestro cards over to Visa debit cards which enable you to easily make online purchases and allow me to kick out PayPal.
Visa is still US, though… sigh… compromises…
And you don’t get the purchase protection you get with PP or a “real” creditcard.
@ShadyQuark Stay away from bunq… I say that as a former customer. There was a huge outcry last year in the Netherlands about them.
They flat out refused to help or limit the damage for customers that were victims of fraud.
And that while being the most expensive bank around regarding fees.
@tatann @hamburgkai What are you referring to? The only thing that this says is that they were not privacy focused from the get-go in 2013 (12 years ago!).
Also, please don’t use Wikipedia as single point of truth. I could go in there anonymously and write that Qwant is the worlds best search engine for privacy and nothing else compares or that it is the worst thing since the Stasi. Both statements are untrue. Always cross reference and do some further research.
@Extrawurst @Kualdir For Navigation alone, I find Magic Earth (which uses OSM] to be a perfectly fine replacement, that even offers some features Gmaps hasn’t. Like being able to download whole countries for offline navigation, Driver Assistance etc.
For the reviews… That’s more difficult. https://lib.reviews/ is one attempt, but it has nowhere near the dataset (duh) and the reviews are not directly visible on the map.
@JasSmith Well there is a whole discussion to be had about banning media who is spouting lie after lie after lie and are propaganda machines for the respective regimes.
But before you just assume censorship… try it yourself. I can open rt.com, tass etc and search for them.
Sometimes the search result are all nerfed to hell, but they are there.
And some pages (Zwezda) seem to have blocked access from my country at least, but that’s on their site & RT does not have a valid certificate…
@RvTV95XBeo @SrMono No, but what is your gripe? Located in Europe. Spend most of their money in Europe and have the same general mentality. Strongly focused on privacy.