leftism is when u say n word
leftism is when u say n word
like 5 minutes into the other boelyn girl natalie portman turns to scarlett johansen and is like “oh my dear sister, you are beautiful, smart and kind. I’m afraid i’ve been eclisped. you have made me into…the other boelyn girl” and i shouldve left at that point
speaking of stranger things, i never really saw much of the show beyond a few episodes but i absolutely absolutely hate the trope of the main boy meeting a ~girl from out of this world~~ whose feminity becomes apparent when she Wears a dress and then nerd boy realizes he’s liked her the whole time. not entirely sure stranger things played this so on the nose but i saw the scene where eleven wears a dress and the boys are like OMGWOW and i had to dip. suburban boyhood centric shit is so played out
after the 2000s im so tired of watching the seemingly charming idyllic nostalgic setting of teenage boys obsessing over girls with each other and dealing with purberty in suburbia. as a woman from the city ive always been like what do yall want me to do with this. why am i able to know so intimately what the white male suburban experience was like from 1970-the present even though ive never had it
For my viewing experience, I didn’t feel as though there was friction between the movie being a genre film and a racial critique film because i think what the director is trying to get at is that “Get Out” is a horror genre movie, like any other horror genre movie. the difference is that the horrible scary thing just happens to be white people/ racism rather than robots, aliens or godzilla, an interesting subversion of how white horror has historically had monsters who are poc/ marginalized people --particularly disabled people or monsters coded as being poc/marginalized
also like i dont think those defending ella are saying THIS exactly: but this whole “small white rich 21 year old is a CHILD” thing is kinda grating given a 9 year old girl of color got cuffed in rochester and pepper sprayed by cops like that “theyre a kid” excuse only goes one way
and these are the assholes yelling at minorities for being hesitant for uniting with racist white people