Nailed it. Would hang in house 👍
Nailed it. Would hang in house 👍
Sit tight; I will ask my bro-in-law. He will, no doubt, have an answer. If not, he’ll at least have a reason why it doesn’t exist 😆 Recommendation incoming.
Right?! As if this hasn’t won an award. (If it’s a real photo)
Oh yeah, y’all know this is gonna be good
Open your eyes, Children of the Lense! Harness the power of the Unbridled Star!
You mean like permaculture and irrigation? Yeah, that stuff was dope. Should I have put ‘/s’ at the end of my comment to make it clear that, whilst true, I wasn’t defending a position?
Yeeeeah what about that, Sucka!?
Frickn white dudes, probly. I once saw an article by a Native American that read like: “We lived with the land, hunted during day, and had sex at night. Only White Man would think he could improve on that.”
Magnifying glass (you know, to burn stuff)?
Q: Why are you finding Thunder so much better than Eternity? (Genuine interest). I use Eternity & am having a good experience. Liftoff and Jerboa (the latter very early days) didn’t hold my attention.
I don’t think so/I hope not. As someone already pointed out he’s a fascist - and wants to be an Aus Trump. People here, mostly, don’t want that. So by appealing to Australians he looks better. And also said basically ‘Trump is stoopid & these tariffs are dumb’. So win-win.
It definitely depends where you’re flying to/from and which airline. Virgin/Jetstar in Australia will not give you food for many flights - including an international flight to Indonesia (yes they’re both ‘budget’ but ffs). However, Air New Zealand will probably have food service for a 3hr flight.
Updoot for the samurai-knight who says: “Ni!”
Mesmerising. Now when I see it it’s not gonna be as cool. You took this pic, I assume?
Whatahh… What’s he doin’ down there?
Well said!
And yet they don’t wanna fuck eachother. Just the rest of us.
There’s an Insiders YouTube/whatever you use short doco on it. “How the oldest jobs survive” or whatever. Painstaking process. Pretty interesting. Kind of to the point of ridiculous - like Chinese paper making if you know what I mean.