Needs to be foodgw.
Needs to be foodgw.
Ha ha! Loins!
Totally agree! I recently switched to a non-xylitol sugar free gum because we got a puppy. But if Xylitol is an option, it adds that extra boost!
Consider chewing Xylitol gum after eating. Xylitol directly fucks up the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Make sure to get a brand that is mostly Xylitol (I like Pur).
However, be careful if you have a dog, because xylitol is super poisonous to dogs!
I know this is self hosting, but I would probably just drop them in a S3 bucket with static hosting enabled and be done with it. Never have to worry about availability or big transfers eating up your upload at home. Probably wouldn’t cost more than a dollar a month.
Yes, this is absolutely a valid way to host a static site. I have done this specifically for several sites.
I avoid the need to do this by always keeping my local changes in a branch. Then I can pull master from the remote without any merging, rebase my branch, then merge the branch back into master in a fast forward. Keeps a clean stack of commits without any merges in the history.
Except for that one scene in The Matrix Reloaded where we get to see actual vulnerabilities exploited.
If Wit is to be trusted, it all eventually converges on Doug.
Cute little tri! Love the spots on the nose. We have a tri who is almost a year old, they are pretty fun!
We make homemade pizza from scratch regularly. If you can find this yeast , there is a super easy recipe on the back that doesn’t need a rise. We can go from starting the dough to eating in about 45 minutes. Highly recommended!
I kinda appreciated that the whole episode seemed a bit slower. I remember the last reboot feeling much quicker paced than the originals.
Skirts! I want my legs to be free!
The Ashtray Maze! My pick as well, I wish there was a way to go back and just play that section again.
Get a bleacher seat