The article talkes about top speeds of 75 mph, so 120 kmh.
The article talkes about top speeds of 75 mph, so 120 kmh.
When you visit a website your browser speaks with the server in http. It is structured in requests and responses. You request a text, you get it. You request to upload an image, it is done. Very useful, but what if you wanted to get a live feed of things. Imagine you wanted to chat. You could send many requests always asking “is there a new message?” and always getting “no”. That’s not good, with a websocket your webbrowser and the server establish a live connection. Now they can send and receive small pieces of information. For chatting, games, auctions and many other things websockets are useful.
I don’t know a lot about this, but I would guess a normal user would like a message, that says something along the lines of “404, couldn’t find what you were looking for.” The status code and the links back to itself as well as the 13 MBs of noise should probably not irritate them. Hidden links should also not irritate normal users.
I believe we are looking at it from different directions. You say people want to enact revenge on bad people, sometimes violently. I say people want to be violent and hope for someone bad to appear, so can do it without moral repercussions.
You are probably right. And nazi zombies even more so.
Is this a real photo? Do they always have a flag on top?
I believe many people carry with them a deeply buried desire to hurt people, but their morals keep them from doing it to just anyone. But they yearn for a chance to do it without moral repercussions.
Is it true, that the colour flakes off?
I wasn’t aware you were offered to run it locally.
Does it just answer like this, or dies the internal monologue need be revealed somehow?
My phone has one camera with less pixels, because that is better for low light conditions (at least that was the reasoning).
Thank you, I did not think of that.
Oh, thank you. I did not at all connect them to mental wards or hospitals. I though they have slippers there. Like in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
Hold you guys, maybe he is a real gamer after all.
I still don’t get it. They’re telling you to stop? With a stopping sock?
So first he didn’t and then he did? Alright
I’m kinda excited about my free tier. Gonna see what happens in the future.