Preferably after enslaving them and sucking out as much surplus labor as possible
Preferably after enslaving them and sucking out as much surplus labor as possible
So many don’t understand just how wildly inefficient bureaucratic hierarchies are; what happens isn’t the most profitable thing, it’s the whim of whoever managed to claw their way highest up.
Basically, the decisions are the manifestation of the artificial stupidity of brute force.
Yeah, I was pretty much at the stage of end it, or try SSRIs. That was 10 years ago, and you can see what happened!
Well, everyone is going to have to get to the last stage of grief and accept that leading a normal life in western countries just isn’t possible anymore. Infinite profit seeking is a cancer that’s currently killing the host, and traditions of bourgeois paths to success just aren’t viable. Everything’s coming right on down and so many people are still in the stage of denial, which sucks because they always make it everyone else’s problem until they get past the bargaining phase (which sort of seemed like what you were talking about here in terms of “role model example” being sufficient to save their kids from the total societal collapse in-progress).
So very well put. Right, the pyramid scheme seems to be toppling — in the metropole, it was sustainable for a generation or two, but even then only given the somewhat extraordinary circumstances (expansion of the neocolonial empire).
Good idea with voice-to-text notes to populate the list.
The second-highest hit gives a clue as to why:
Relevantly to Lemmy’s existence in the first place, it suggests Reddit as a pretty pivotal training data source, which Reddit tries to cash in on while also killing 3rd party apps due to apathy
Wow, the most recent GTA game is still ten years old?
How did you find this post? It’s outdated
Because liberal mystification with fancy-sounding concepts made to make you feel dumb so you don’t realize it’s just creative surplus labor value expropriation
The “you would be good for my kids!” incident happened twice. One time the kid was late teenaged; another time there two elementary school-aged children. Both of these rentals were in-law units.
I think both times, the idea was that I could be some kind of role model because I did empirically have a job that allowed me to rent at that high rate they were charging? Parents, especially those that can only afford a house here because they bought in the 90s, realize that their kids will have to move away (or live at home), and are foolish enough to think that (1) kids will be inspired by me to be, essentially, bougie, and (2) even if they were, they’d have some reasonable shot at doing something beyond just… renting here.
Both times, they tried to ‘set me up’ with the kids by having their kids come out to intercept me with small talk as I walked to the unit in the backyard (the kids themselves seemed fairly uninterested), and it was uncomfortable both times.
Both times, I sort of politely blew them off and just went in my unit.
One of these places, I had to leave when it turned out there was also a pitbull they pretended wouldn’t be loose in the back yard, but, turned out, was, and attacked me every time I went to the unit. (The pitbull was set loose a few weeks after the kid intercepting incidents abated).
The other, I left for mostly unrelated reasons.
Also experienced at least three situations where landlard was insulted that I wouldn’t befriend them. When I was torn to see it, they even said stuff like “oh, you would be good because you could spend time with my kids!” Like, no. Leave me the fuck alone. I’m not buying my way into some NPC petit bourgeoisie family, I’m just looking for a roof over my head
Can’t believe relevant xkcd hasn’t been posted.
Deepwater horizon side plot
Ah, I see, basically, by being reformist, it’ll ultimately amount to naught. Fair point.
Refreshing to be critiqued from the left — it’s so good to have hexbear federated here now
Same — I don’t recall a single sports-related post — not even a meme. Maybe my instance already defederated from all the home servers of these communities (I think that’s how it works?).
Wow, I thought for sure this was DALL-E.
Shows, I suppose how the existence of these things cheapens what would otherwise be a sense of awe or appreciation.
if y o u e v e r r e a ll y n e e d
This may come in handy 🏀
Holy shit the reason for tee
never really clicked until I saw this post. I’d used it in pasted commands, but it had always seemed superfluous.