Sorry aber der Titel ist Desinformation. Er sagt nicht dass er kooperieren will. Er sagt er würde es “wieder machen”, also Dinge mit Stimmen der AfD beschließen. Das ist einfach ein Unterschied.
Sorry aber der Titel ist Desinformation. Er sagt nicht dass er kooperieren will. Er sagt er würde es “wieder machen”, also Dinge mit Stimmen der AfD beschließen. Das ist einfach ein Unterschied.
Das hat kaum mit Unternehmen zu tun. Die Börsenpreise für Strom sinken seit dem Start der liberalisierten Energiemärkte in Europa kontinuierlich.
Was in DE seit Jahren steigt sind die Netzentgelte. Der Staat wollte die Investitionen in die Infrastruktur nicht leisten, also zahlt es jetzt der Verbraucher.
Und dann gibts so Spezialisten wir die Bayern, deren Industrie mit am meisten Strom benötigt. Deren Staatsregierung hat sich aber stets für unterirdische Leitungen eingesetzt, was im Bau leider 5-fache Kosten verursacht.
Das ist kein Marktversagen, das ist Staatsversagen.
Richtig. Je weniger Grundlastkraftwerke natürlich laufen und je höher der Anteil an Wind- und Solarstrom, desto mehr wird auch an den Spotmärkten gehandelt werden, weil ich als Windparkbetreiber natürlich kaum garantieren kann täglich die gleiche Menge X zu liefern. Das könnte durch Akkuparks/Pumpspeicher natürlich mit der Zeit wieder besser werden, aber die werden zunächst vermutlich auch eher an den Spot- und Balancing-Märkten aktiv sein, um kurzfristige Schwankungen auszugleichen.
Very true. Funny how OP’s comment was just referring to a completely different argument. Instead of answering the question if the argument brought by the Proton guy could by chance be true, they again referred to their derailing…
Was für eine Verschwörungstheorie ist das? China will die EU zerschlagen…?
Hey that’s great. Also a happy citizen of Elkupalos here.
Whatever artifacts might be there… it’s a real photo. I know the guy who was carried away.
Tio de nadal, christmas log (tree trunk that defecates presents).
Yes that moral imbalance also striked me when reading this. When grandma has a gut feeling towards brown people and talks about that, she’d be called a bigot here. But when it’s about men, the highest upvoted advice is to listen to the feeling of fear in your gut…
If you think Russia can never be trusted you’d have to say the same about the other countries failing their security obligations. Those who guaranteed Ukraines territorial integrity, the US, the UK, didn’t act and send their own troops to stop the invasion.
IMO the friendly way hasn’t been tried as NATO also didn’t care about how Russia feels about this and that. The story is well known. There’s not a single country or single person to blame but many of the involved actors.
To me it’s lunacy to think Russia will be defeated and split up. Who’s going to defeat them? With which soldiers? Europe is an old continent, there are so few young people… It would be the final demise of the European economy having to fight a war with Russia. And do you consider the risks? Russia has nukes. Before anything even remotely to the scenario of being split up happens, it will have used them. No sane person can ignore this threat.
You’re right. People seem to have forgotten what mutually assured destruction is all about. Ukraine is outside of this protection but all NATO countries are covered by it.
Yes Schröder was also criticised rightfully for his neoliberal policies that so many socdem governments in the west introduced during these years. But IMO you also have to give him credit for the stuff he was right about, which is so rapidly forgotten. And having peaceful and tighter relationships with Russia, even if it is an authoritarian country, was one of his better ideas. As a European I want peace on this continent. And we’re not gonna have peace against Russia, only with Russia.
The move to expel him was utterly shameful. A lot of smart people ridicule pacifists and people believing in peace through trade etc. They should be ashamed. Schröder was a great chancellor and he should be praised for a lot of good decisions during his tenure. His vision to position Germany and Europe in the middle between the US and Russia was farsighted, still is today. He kept Germany out of the Iraq war, turned out he was very right about that. He also fostered a shift towards renewable energy.
A lot of good could be said about his years as chancellor yet smug online “experts” on foreign policy of course know everything much better lmao.
I’m not trying to argue in bad faith. First I think the US shouldn’t fund it at all, no matter why there is a genocide.
But regarding the neighbour conflict, I want to explain: Your argument seems to be that what happens in Gaza is something singular or special, tied to the colonialist nature of the funding of the modern Israel. I don’t see that. In Germany there was a discussion about the singularity of the Shoah. I have doubts about this too but it’s an understandable notion to have as a “perpetrator nation”. The Shoah however was a genocide of real neighbours, like next door neighbours. And it was unprecedented in the cruelty and the industrial scope of the extermination. But I don’t think it couldn’t happen again. And this is an example of one of the worst genocides in history which didn’t even require a colonialist setting, not even a neighbouring nation or people with which you had hostilities dating back centuries. And that’s the reason why I refute the argument that this genocide is in any way special just because it’s rooted in a colonialist setting.
No I agree with you both. It seems very likely that such a collapse would then start to manifest. What do you think would be the long-term result of this?
A squabble like the genocide in Darfur or the genocide in Armenia? What point are you trying to make here?
Yes I agree with you that Israel requires these resources to continue it’s militaristic course of action with the goal of extermination. If it didn’t have these resources anymore, it wouldn’t cease to exist. It would need to change this course if it wants to survive.
No logic in your argument. If American investment in Israel would stop now, of course the country wouldn’t cease to exist. That’s magical thinking. Did the US create the mindsets of orthodox jews, radicalised settlers or right-wing nutjobs serving as long-term PMs?
Of course not. It’s not untypical. We find this kind of hatred against a neighbor all over the world. In this sense Israel demonstrates very well that they are not a “chosen people” but a horribly regular people.
It really depends on the journal though.
I totally understand this feeling but let me tell you that German politicians are likewise using these numbers to label their own populace as lazy. So actually politicians don’t seem to really care about nationality when they can smear someone and destruct the welfare state.
But maybe Germans deserve it a bit more lol.