@lazy_digestive right now I am part of a mastodon instance dedicated to the competitive Super Smash Bros community. I am a tournament organizer for Rivals of Aether, which is also a platform fighter (the same genre as Smash). A lot of people who play Rivals came from the Smash community, so it made sense for me to make an account on this instance as its a general community I am part of. I’d say try finding an instance for an online or IRL community you are part of and try to join.
@lazy_digestive On Mastodon, you have an additional “Local” timeline which is a timeline showing all the posts of the people in your instance. So you can stay connected to people through that. I know a lot of the larger instances can feel impersonal because of their size, and a bunch have turned off signing up for new accounts because of a large amount of people wanting to sign up from the Twitter exodus last year.