Expertly voiced by Gianni Matragrano version Expertly voiced by Gianni Matragrano version
It all goes back to the BS “vaccines cause autism” thing.
I was in a somewhat similar situation after the pandemic too. I used to be part of a local fighting game community in my region before COVID, even volunteering as staff for years. There were some great people in that group and I still have a couple really good friends from there.
But when the pandemic hit and all the “enlightened centrists” and people with the shittiest takes you’ve ever heard started crawling out of the woodwork like roaches, I felt more and more ill at ease being around them. People I’d known for years started spewing out the same gross attack helicopter jokes and edgy 4chan memes you mentioned.
A couple years back after one antisemitic joke too far (just to clarify, actually antisemitic, not anti-Israel), I decided I had enough and left the group discord and the game cold turkey. Instantly I felt my mental health improve. I searched around on Meetup and after a few months found another regional gaming group that was much more open and friendly, and I haven’t looked back since.
I’m also past the age of easily going out and making friends (early 30s), so I just want to say that it’s never too late to cut out people from your life who aren’t worth wasting your increasingly precious time with. I’m sure you’ve been through all the arguments trying to convince your friend to act reasonable to no avail, and if they continue to stick their fingers in their ears and live in a fantasy world, then let them. As much as it sucks to watch, it’s not worth your time, patience, or sanity to deprogram people once they’ve become radicalized.
Sorry, but if you were born in the early 90s, you’re not Gen Z, you’re a millennial. The general cutoff for Gen Z is usually agreed to be about 1997.
This is probably true for most casual use, but after a couple months of constant weekly Smash tournaments, my stick eventually wore down and started drifting. The D-pad is also notoriously mushy and often picks up ghost inputs when moving quickly back and forth.
Both of these issues are fixable with some not so difficult controller modding, but I wasn’t willing to make the effort.
I ended up with the 8bitdo Pro 2 for general use like someone else in this thread suggested and the Nintendo Wii U Pro Controller with an adapter for Smash that has been with me for years now. The only difference is that the Wii U controller doesn’t have the built in accelerometers that the Switch controller and Pro 2 have.
Just so you never make this mistake again, gametes are sperm and eggs. You probably meant “run the gamut”.
“A teapot” starts with A though.
You’re older than you’ve ever been and now you’re even older, and now you’re older still
Some people don’t identify as either of those. And there already is a common word that can be used for either singular or plural, which is “you.”
Translation: R-rawr!
Cats are carnivores! They’re strong
Don’t come nyear me or I’ll scratch you!
Every language has homophones. Even before tones were created, sometimes there are just coincidences. As far as I know, there’s nothing to suggest that the number four and death are inherently related in some way. No one is suggesting that knead and need are related even though they sound the same, and lead (the act of leading) and lead (the metal) may happen to share a spelling but they’re still completely different words.
We do know why, it’s because death 死 and four 四 have the same pronunciation sǐ in Chinese (and shi in Japanese).
I don’t think there have been many major breakthroughs in murdered people’s rights since murder laws were written.
Don’t fuck with Big Clock.