Arzt in Hannover, Pneumologie. Hobbyadmin, für Schule und Familie. XMPP fan. Privates Profil ohne Ausrichtung. In letzter Zeit beschäftigt mich die politische Lage der Welt zunehmend, und viel von dem was ich booste ist nocht grade positiv… Ggf meine boosts stummschalten… I mainly boost stuff, so consider disabling my boosts if it becomes to much. — Not affiliated with — Old Accounts : 19.07.2021 - 25.08.2024 (active as backup) 25.08 - 30.12.2024 —
Matrix on ejabbered doesn’t really work as one would like, at least that’s what I read, so best test it on another subdomain before you really migrate.
I didn’t read yet from anyone, really using it as a matrix server.