Any good coffee drinker can appreciate tea the same. It’s all delicious plant water one way or another 🤩
Great advice!
Thanks for including the stats! I’ll be looking back on this to improve my AeroPress pulls
My local sit-in cafe near Portland has V60 and chemex for about $3.50 but the ones I really love is the whole milk 16oz latte from the tiny 4x12 coffee house but they’re like $4
The sit in place, I tip in but the coffee house doesn’t even ask for one if I use my card.
Lots of coffee here so I’ve found $8 lattes at places and that makes me retch
Realistic take but it sounds like you’re enjoying the best coffee in your city regardless of how much you spent initially. $120 is a hell of a steal for a whole year of joe, IMO
Chemex is preferred when I’m sharing a pot with my wife/company since we can make 3 cups at once. I know you can make AeroPress for two cups at a time but it seems like it’s better when pulling singles. It’s nice having the coffee warm for everyone to enjoy at once but I’m now thinking a V60 might be a cheaper alternative for that situation.
I’d say $3.50 is about the cheapest pour over house coffee here in PNW US. You can find cheaper stuff at like 7-Eleven and other convenience stores - about $1-$2 but the quality is usually lacking. McDonald’s was my cheapest/most convenient/tastiest go-to back in Florida. I think it was around $2
My man coming in with Aldi love and straight facts ♥
Instant coffee occasionally becomes my habit if I happen to find a good looking box at the supermarket. Super hit and miss here in the 'States but I find the most luck at the Japanese supermarket in town!
Aldi’s whole bean bags are pretty damn good for what it’s worth. Those organic yellow bags, I think Panamanian or Peruvian ones were the bomb.
My first coffee maker is my AeroPress! Had it for about a decade now and it’s still plungin’
Took it out camping a ton over the years! It’s been banged up so much and still works perfectly. I usually just bring a stack of paper filters in a ziploc but a metal filter sounds pretty bulletproof now that you mention it…
$40 is great! Plus you get plenty of cafe time which is worth a ton in my opinion. I didn’t factor in my coffee house budget because that can get pretty high depending on the month 😅
I’ve been considering the V60 to get away from the pricey Chemex filters and that figure sounds really great. Thanks!
We do have Costco around here! I’ll take a look for those Lavazza beans - they sound like a great deal.
Never tried the metal Aero filters but I found some off brand ones on Amazon that do the job really well. Got like fkn 800 filters for $10 on Amazon so that’s WAY cheaper than the Chemex as it is. I worried about the metal filters resulting in oily coffee akin to a french press, did you experience that or are my fears unfounded?
That’s solid. I figured I’d need a new setup to make the most of it - doubt my cuisinart burr grinder would be able to pull a really mean americano let alone a late. I’ll keep that in mind for the next few huge Chemex filters I toss. Thanks!
Recently moved to a more coffee-oriented area so I should be able to find green beans way easier now. Thanks for the reminder!!!
I’m no coffee snob but jfc, I swear they get Folgers and CFoN just to fuck with us lol
Basquiat would blush, this is great!