Your post doesn’t indicate your level of opsec, the country you live in, or your abuser’s technical understanding of computing machinery and security. Something important to be aware of (if you’re not already) is depending on where you’re posting from and what your abuser has access to, a post like yours–or following any of the links below–without taking appropriate precautions could put you in (further) danger.
The first thing that should be established (if you don’t already have one) is a threat model–consider things like: what are your abuser’s capabilities? (what do they know?, what can they access?, etc); what do you want to keep from them? (ie your online activities, especially as they relate to getting out of your situation if that is your goal); what controls/defenses can you use to keep yourself safe, prevent info discovery, mitigate harm, etc? How you can safely proceed depends on your threat model, which depends on your own unique circumstances.
Here are a few links, but please proceed carefully (if you don’t want to follow them for safety reasons, feel free to ask questions here):
A decent repo of resources to use computing machinery privately and securely: https://www.techlore.tech/resources
I’m not familiar with resources for abuse, but I found this from a relatively quick search: https://www.thehotline.org/get-help/domestic-violence-local-resources/
For psychological help (therapy, counseling, etc): https://www.psychologytoday.com/us
If the above is not the type of response you were seeking (or you were already aware of it all), feel free to disregard it. (I understand at least some of the potential implications of this post being in a cybersecurity community on a cybersecurity Lemmy instance, but I didn’t want to assume just in case.) Regardless, I hear you. Your situation sounds awful. (If you just wanted to effectively shout into the void for some type of release, feel free to ignore this entire response. Finally, just in case anyone is wondering: the reason I replied here instead of privately is in the case resources/info are desired, others can provide better links/info and/or correct anything that’s wrong/dubious–I’m just a computer nerd with questionable social skills who wasn’t sure if/how to respond 😅…)
I don’t use the Arr suite or Qbit (nor do I really torrent that much) so I can’t speak on the second part, but for scaling I use Ceph. I currently have about 95 TiB across 3 machines and based on my experience, scaling it up further (ie adding more to a machine or adding new machines) is fairly straightforward and relatively simple. That said, I have my cluster set up to make 1 copy of data across each machine and have a few TiB reserved for metadata so I only have about 29 TiB for unique object storage but that kind of setup isn’t strictly necessary. You could set up your own cluster such that there’s no redundancy and utilize most of your available storage for unique objects (a relatively small portion of it will still need to go to metadata if you want to set up a Ceph filesystem, though, but that also isn’t necessary).