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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 11th, 2024


  • Yeah, I didn’t grow up in a conservative house. I think it’s one thing to be a hate filled individual who actually likes that, and a completely other thing to be a clown pushing that as your job. He brings no value into this world.

    I would say I deleted Twitter not because it served me straight stupidity. More accurately, it was how mad I got seeing his dumb take and all the idiots cheering him on. I was late to Twitter and now I understood what others had been saying. It’s designed to piss you off.

  • It doesn’t have to be something everyone is watching… I had twitter for maybe 2 days before deleting it because somehow this fuckin Matt Walsh clown got served up to me. He was crying about how Drew Barrymore had a trans person on her show. He had like 40k likes on it. How the fuck do you make a living looking for things on tv to be mad about, and why is anyone cheering him on. That’s deranged. CHANGE THE FUCKIN CHANNEL YOU WORTHLESS STOOGE!

  • I see dbz, I upvote.

    I don’t know what it is about this show, but there are moments that cause me to get chills that travel up and down my spine. Like Gohan confidently marching toward Cell with his one handed Kamehameha. Or Frieza realizing he pushed Goku a bit too far. The only other show or movie that has done that was maybe the first Matrix. Which… if you think about it, contains very similar ideas. That being the only limit to your power is the one you place on yourself.

    I can’t help but tie this theme to lucid dreaming. In your dreams, you can have all these powers, but first, “You have to let it all go. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.”

  • I don’t think it’s the propaganda machine (or maybe this is), but in the US, almost nothing is reported from other countries. If 100,000 people died in some wild natural disaster outside the US, we would get almost no real details, but we would get the full life story of the one American that was killed who was from New Jersey. It’s just the way our media is. No real information. Just dumb sap stories.

    It’s the same reason the Republicans haven’t been able to identify when they’re ingesting blatant Russian propaganda. They’ve never seen or heard it before outside of their favorite American talking head.